Guarding Your Heart

Start from the beginning

That brings Draco to his current predicament, trying to figure out when and how exactly he should tell Harry that he's in love with him.

"I think you need to taste this for me," Draco said, pushing an exquisite slice of cake towards Harry.

They were seated in Draco's room at his small dining table, a delicious spread of food laid out.

"Um," Harry replied, blinking at the plate.

"What, you'd rather your monarch be poisoned?"

"Of course not!," Harry answered quickly before hesitantly taking a mouthful.

Draco watched as Harry's eyes closed, face melting in satisfaction.

"Oh my gosh. I- er- I think it's fine," Harry quickly blurted out, covering up his prior reaction and pushing the plate towards Draco.

The cake was amazing.

"You should try a sip of the wine too," Draco said demurely, "just to be safe. Sit Harry, sit."

What else was Harry meant to do? He sat there, allowing Draco to feed him delicacies off of his plate. It took Harry slightly too long to realize it was practically a date.

"Your highness- Draco," Harry corrected at the look his King was giving him, opening his mouth to continue speaking when Draco shoved a chocolate covered strawberry inside.

"Sir, why did you feed me the whole strawberry? What if it was poison?"

"Oh, I know that it's not," Draco dismissed.

"Then wh-what? Is- is this... date?"

"The date is the 31st of March, what are you on about? Have another strawberry, the chocolate on this one looks odd."

Draco watched in amusement as he gracefully ate his own chocolate covered strawberry. Harry had chocolate on the side of his face, and Draco wiped it away. With a sinful smirk, he put his finger in his mouth to taste it and Harry thought he would pass away right there.

"Messy eater hmm?," Draco teased, leaning on his elbow and gazing lovingly at Harry.

"Sir, is it getting hot in here?"

"No, I just believe that's you Harry."

Harry blushed, butterflies flooding his stomach, and he couldn't look at Draco anymore.

"You're cute when you're flustered," Draco said quietly, placing his hand on top of Harry's.

He wondered if he had misread years worth of signals.

"You're absolutely ethereal Draco," Harry replied earnestly, knowing it was now or never as he held Draco's hand properly.

"You think?"

"I know," Harry replied, placing a kiss to the top of Draco's hand.

"You've been my companion for many years now Harry," Draco said lowly. "I've come to care for you a great deal."

"I know."

"Do you?"

"After that first mission, you cared for me in a way that no one has since my mother's passing. You made sure I got an education, you got me out of a job that surely would have killed me by now. I hope you know I care for you in return, aside from giving my life for yours. I would do that for you, even if you held no rank. Please believe me."

It was Draco's turn to bring Harry's hand to his lips and press a kiss there.

"You know I'm meant to marry soon. I've postponed it as long as I can."

"Yes, I... I'm aware."

"I'm expected to propose by first harvest, as is tradition."

"Oh. That is soon. Who's the lucky person?"

Draco laughed loudly, covering his mouth quickly.

"I wish you wouldn't do that. I love your laugh."

"I love you," Draco replied simply.

"Oh Draco, I love you too. Very much so."

"I thought you might. Is our date to your liking?"

"You could have just asked me, you know."

"I had to be sure. I didn't want to ruin what we had in case I was misreading the situation."

"You could never ruin us. I'll be by your side always, just I have done my whole life."

"And I with you."

"I do have a question though."


"How is this a date if I'm testing your food poisons? What if something happened?"

"Oh you didn't think you were the real food tester did you? I could never live with myself if something happened to you. I still have nightmares about that day you came back, bleeding and scarred. No, I made the food."

"You only have me taste the food you make?," Harry asked for clarification, getting up and moving next to Draco.

"Of course. Only the best for my Harry."

Harry's hands cupped Draco's face, just as Draco had done for him all those months ago.

"May I kiss you?," Draco asked, leaning into the touch.

"Kiss me whenever you want," Harry replied, leaning down to share the first of many soft kisses between the two men.

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