a kid I knew

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I once knew a kid , a seemingly ordinary soul , he grew up with the love of family had lot of friends, but the normalcy of his life didn't last long , as he grew up he started noticing something , perceptible change swept through kid's life. People, once drawn to him like moths to light  began to detach like autumn foliage ,
The closer someone had once been to kid, colder the interaction became .
kid noticed it all he was somehow good at reading expressions he somehow instinctively knew what the person was thinking through observing expression on there face , and all he could see those days where hate and irritation on the faces of people close to him . This made it harder for him to make eye contact with anyone, in fear of seeing those hateful eyes again.

For his young age the kid had an anology,
For every connection he made in his life a new door opened in his imagination.
But now all he could see was shut doors with wispers of "go away" coming from other side of door

He didn't understood why..  why was this  happening, was it something he did? Or it something he said? . Flood of questions in his little mind were unanswered .

finding no answers from those around him, he architect his own fanciful explanation. Unable to grasp the complexities of human relationships, he clung to a simple idea – a whimsical belief that a mysterious curse was the cause of the growing distance between him and those he held dear. Years goes by he experiences this again and again and again .. new people he met would be very interested in him first but as he started to bond something unexpected would happen and they would turn cold , start ignoring or would simply forget about his existence. Kid thought that was the way of life, and blamed it on curse , maybe this was his way of dealing with such emotions , at this point of life he was surrounded by people , friends and family and yet was as alone as a person lost in the vastness of sahara desert . He couldn't do anything but let it happen cause if he tried to open those doors, doors would burn it to ashes as in any bridge connection would be lost, kid  observed, any attempt to draw closer to people seemed to cast a ripple of emotional, mental, or even physical effects upon them. The more he yearned for connection, the stronger the adverse consequences, Paradoxically, kid found solace in maintaining a distance. The farther he stayed, the smoother the waters
Analogous to the sun's distant warmth, kid's presence was more tolerable from afar. However, if he ventured closer it would burn everything to ashes

He understood this and choose to confined himself in Solitary , chained all those doors shut.

Kid crafted a pseudo-reality, projecting an illusion of well-being , keeping all of this buried in the corner of his mind he aimed to deter the concern and attempts of others to draw near him.

Once the kid went to forest where he truly felt alone yet at peace where didn't had to pretend like the image of him he had created , where could sit there enjoying the one thing he was allowed to enjoy by faith  the beauty of the setting sun , In the serene solitude of the forest, as the sun dipped below the horizon, kid embraced the solace , Amidst the fading day light, a sudden thought crossed his mind. It could all be cause of mental stress or just pure imagination he suddenly heard an unexpected voice say, "finally." As he turned around he confronted a mysterious figure cloaked in dark mist, its eyes emitting an ethereal glow, and deer antlers adorned upon its head. The air heavy heavy, it was hard to stand on feet yet surprisingly, fear seemed absent within the kid , he stepped towards the entity and  With each determined step a searing burn surged through kids body, as if he was  approaching the sun itself As the distance closing, the entity's form was becoming more and more human,

and upon meeting face to face, an overwhelming sensation engulfed him—heart, mind, and every nerve ablaze.

It was then that a haunting realization gripped him: behind the cursed entity stood a reflection of himself. A whispered revelation pierced proclaiming, "You were never cursed; you are the curse itself."
The kid's body jolted upright, as if awakening from a dream. Surrounding was natural as before, and suddenly The revelation hit him like a truck – the burning sensation arose not from an external force but from the forbidden closeness to himself, embodied in the mysterious entity. The profound understanding dawned that the curse forbade not only connections with others but also the very act of approaching his own essence, leaving him entangled in the paradox of isolation even from himself.

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