Chapter 8

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"Goodmorning, Char-Char!" Lucifer said, as he cracked Charlies door, then entering excitedly. "Did you sleep well?" Lucifer asked, as Charlie was doing her hair at her mirror. "I actually slept pretty good, what about you?" Charlie asked, as her father nodded replying. "I slept ok, just a little nervous I guess." Lucifer said, as he sat on the edge of the bed, unaware of Vaggie still sleeping. "Don't worry, I'm sure mom has missed you as much as you missed her." Charlie, assured him, as Lucifer's legs swayed off the edge of the bed. "I hope so, I just..7 years is a long time to be gone for.... for her to suddenly return is odd." Lucifer spoke, as he leaned back, Vaggie shifting. "Lucifer..?" Vaggie spoke out sleepily, Lucifer sitting back up. "Oh Vaggie, I'm sorry" Lucifer apologized as Vaggie huffed. "It's alright your majesty.."

Lucifer walked down stairs to the lobby, everyone was seated and ready. Lucifer was wearing a white suit, with a red bow tie. Simple but still classy. Charlie followed behind him, as she was wearing her normal outfit. Angel and Husk sitting on the other sofa, Nifty cleaning the bar. Alastor was no where to be found.

Alastor sat in his room, staring at himself in the mirror. His hair was messy, his clothes were wrinkled and messy as well. He looked tired, surprisingly he felt tired. His chest still ached faintly, but nothing Alastor could not bare. He groaned as he stood up. He knew he had to be ready, and go down stairs. Not for Lilith, but for Charlie. Charlie would be disappointed if he didn't. He rushingly got ready, and changed his clothes. Fixing the wrinkles as he put on his coat. Now, he did his hair. It looked messy and torn, since he had a bad habit of tearing out his hair when he was stressed. His smiled was faint, strained. He figured it would be strained for most of the day. Finally, he was ready. The best he could be, as he than walked down stairs. Unaware, he was the very last person to be ready, which was unusual as he was usually the first to be ready and downstairs for any occasion.

"Al!" Charlie said happily as she saw Alastor enter the room. Alastors ears perked up, looking down at her from where she was sitting, forcing a smile. "It took you long enough." Lucifer said, as Alastor glared at Lucifer tiredly. Alastor sitting over on the chair, instead of the sofas, sitting by himself.

They all waited as they talked. Waiting for a knock on the door, for Lilith arrival. Suddenly Lucifer was cut off during a conversation with Charlie by a loud knocking on the door. Everyone went silent, as Charlie stood up smiling warmly at her father, before she walked over to get the door for her mother. Everyone was nervous, as tension was in the room. Alastor could feel the most tension. "Mom! H-Hi!" Charlie said, as she smiled awkwardly gazing up at her beautiful mother. "Hello, my dear Charlie. May I come inside?" Lilith spoke, her voice deep and mysterious, so enticing that it could make anyone fall for her. "Yes! Of course! I'll introduce you to everyone and then I can give you a tour!" Charlie spoke as she smiled more lovingly at her mother, Lilith nodding in response. As she walked in. Her high heels clacking on the floor intimidatingly. "Everyone, this is my mother! Lilith, the queen of hell!" Charlie introduced to everyone, despite how mostly everyone knew of Lilith. Lilith gazing at everyone and examining the hotel curiously. Her gaze suddenly going straight to Lucifer. "It is nice to meet you all, I have heard much of this hotel." Liliths voice echoed, as she hovered over everyone. "So, I guess I should introduce to everyone now?" Charlie said, as Lilith reached for her hand unexpectedly. Smiling at her daughter, Lilith nodding. Charlie walking over to Angel Dust. "This is Angel Dust, he works for Valentino and is here for redemption." Charlie said awkwardly, as Angel Dust smiled nervously at Lilith. Lilith looking Angel Dust up and down. "It's nice to meet you, Angel Dust." Liloths voice echoed, as her gaze stayed on Angel Dust, before Charlie moved her along to the next person. "This is Husk, our bartender!" Charlie said, as Husk shook Lilith hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty." Husk said, smiling awkwardly as Lilith nodded, her facial expression looking quiet unbothered and not to disgusted. Lucifer's gaze still at his wife, as Lilith would glance at him every once in a while. "This is nifty, she helps cleaning around here, and helps with bugs. It sounds weird but it actually helps a lot." Charlie spoke as, Nifty held up a nice smiling widely. Liliths eyebrows raising slightly.

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