Chapter 3

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Sorry for the wait, I was stuck and didn't really have any ideas, but now I'm back I should be publishing more often (if I have motivation that is) anyways enjoy the chapter.

Alastor sat up, his hair tangled, and knotted. He groaned as he looked out the window to see it was morning although he still felt tired. He sat up running his hands through his tangled hair, as he walked over to the bathroom to comb his hair. He hummed as it was quiet and peaceful this morning. That was until, he heard yelling. 

"What in heavens sake is going on?" Alastor said, walking into the lobby. "Oh, I'm sorry Al there is just a little misunderstanding-" Vaggie said, which surprised Alastor especially since she said sorry. "Never mind it, I do not care, nor do I have the energy to care." Alastor replied being sour as usual, Vaggie rolling her eyes. "Vaggie! Have you seen my dad?" Charlie said running up behind Vaggie. "Charlie! uhm...I think he is upstairs I'm not sure." Vaggie said, and Charlie nodded in response. Alastor watched as Charlie went up the stairs to go find her father, Alastor holding his staff as he smiled widely. "Oh my god, just shut up about it!" Husk said, as he walked in the lobby looking exhausted, Angel following behind. "Oh, c'mon! don't be so sour!" Angel said trying to encourage Husk, as Husk wasn't amused. 

Charlie went upstairs, as she then knocked on her fathers door lightly, since she was unsure if he was awake or not. "Dad, are you awake? If you aren't then we can make breakfast together!" Charlie offered as she leaned her back against the shut door. "Char-Char?" Lucifer said softly as he cracked opened the door, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it, I'm tried..." Lucifer asked sleepily. "Hey, are you ok? You look a little tired, if you are tired you can go back to sleep" Charlie said, setting her hand on her dads shoulder. "Don't worry apple seed, I am fine!" Lucifer said, as he then held out his arms to Charlie. "Besides, we have much better things to do!" Lucifer said with a cheery voice, as Charlie and Lucifer embraced one another. 

Shorter chapter, but I'm working on a longer Chapter 4, not sure when I'll be finished though. Thank you for the reads!

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