Chapter 4

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It had now been a month since the extermination as Alastor was up in the middle of the night, walking around the halls as he seemed to be a bit wreck less. Alastor never slept, not because he suffered from insomnia or anything, but mostly because he just didn't feel tired, and most. His mind lingered, the odd thing about it was the fact he was thinking about Lucifer. Ever since he had made a deal with Charlie, his mind kept wondering about the fact he had made a deal with the Princess of hell, he knew that his actions could have consequences for this, as if Lucifer had ever found out he would most likely go crazy. Alastor knew how predictable Lucifer was, he knew if that Lucifer found out about his deal with his daughter it would not be good, he was no match for Lucifer. He would be singing his life away. Alastor groaned as he stood up, walking out of his room and shutting the door rather hard. He could hear other rustling in their rooms but he dismissed it unbothered as he rushed down the hallway. It was only about an hour until it would be morning again, so Alastor decided to go his kitchen to clear his mind. His kitchen was really his kitchen but he considered it as his. He carefully scrummaged through the pots and pans, as he was trying to be quiet for the others. 

Oh, but his idea of cooking to clear his mind was not working. His mind still lingered. Did he make a wrong choice? Could this cost his life? He knew everything about Charlie, he knew Charlie trusted him. Despite the fact of how much everyone cared for him, he knew deep down how it would always be in his nature to always manipulate, and control. He hated it. He wished he could be a better person, but it was far to late for wishes and apologies. It was in his nature to be like this, so cold, it was his destiny. It always would be.He was confused on why it troubled him so much, he always brushed off his emotions to the point he became bother-less...but this....was different. And he couldn't understand why.  

"Al?" Alastor stiffened his ears up alerted, as he heard Charlies voice, quiet startled. "O-Oh! Charlie dear...why are you up so early?" Alastor spoke as his thoughts were now to Charlie. "Oh..I just felt a little restless....I couldn't really go back to sleep..I figured you'd be here.." The blonde spoke, as she rubbed her eye tiredly. "My dear, you look very tired...are you sure you are well rested?" He responded, a slight sound of concern in his voice. "N-No...I just...haven't seen Vaggie..and to be honest..she's not really happy with me right now..." Charlie admitted shrugging her shoulders as she leaned on the counter, after hearing Charlie speak Alastor felt a little confusion and was curious to what had happened. "And why would she be mad at you my dear...? It might've been just a misunderstanding" Alastor replied mimicking a comforting tone, as he smiled widely, Charlie gaining a smile. "I..I think she's just worried...about the exterminations...and well....ever since I figured out she was a exorcist she seems to be more stressed...especially if I ever talk about deals..or just anything to help the hotel..." Charlie said as he fidgeted with her fingers. Deals? What did she mean by deals, she was probably referring to the deal she had made with him, but Alastor still was intrigued not because of the problems Charlie was having with Vaggie, but more of Charlie's efforts to help the hotel. Alastor personally always thought the hotel would never work, but the more he so called 'supported' Charlie, he seemingly grew a stronger relationship with her. More, unintentionally he started to grow a bond. Really, the only bond he ever had was with Rosie, and a friendship with Zestial, but wouldn't consider himself to be fond of Zestial depsite when doing his business as an overlord. "I see....I would not stress to much darling, the extermination just was a month ago, so you still have time to prepare. Do not stress your worried little tail about it!" Alastor said as he teased, Charlie laughing. "Yeah yeah, sure...I just want to make sure everyone is ok....I mean my dad...I just....Everyone deserves a second chance, even he does..." Alastor fumbled at the words of 

"Everyone deserves a second chance."  

He didn't understand it, if eveyrone deserved a second chance, she surely did believe everyone did. Considering how hard she worked on the hotel, to redeem anyone she could, he realized how pure she was. He never judged Charlie or treated her differently despite her personality or how she was the princess of hell, but her determination and kindness showed that deep down she was a angel. Alastor took a deep breathe, as he nodded. "Everyone may deserve a second chance, but that does not mean they should have a second chance." Alastor replied. "I-You may be right..but I believe despite how much wrong you've done. Everyone should have a opportunity to change, and fix their wrong." Charlie said as she smiled warmly. Alastor noticed and smiled back as he smiled widely. He wasn't trying to fake a smile, he was just pondering about Charlies words, and her opinions. It was uncommon for him to think deeply about heaven or redemption. He knew he was a sinner, a cannibal, a satanic radio demon, and he always would be. "I Al!..You deserve redemption...despite what you do...or who you deserve it just as much as everyone else!" Charlie smiled as she laughed her mood seemingly lightening.  "Dear...I was a serial killer back when I was alive, I've killed many overlords and sinners. I would most likely be the last to be redeemed." Alastor chuckled, as he saw Charlie becoming more happy now. "Thanks Al....for your...I..I really..I mean really do appreciate you-...Not just for the help around the hotel..but for being there for me..." Charlie smiled as she looked at Alastor. "Anytime my dear, your thanks is appreciated as well." Alastor smiled widely once again, before walking past Charlie and heading upstairs. "Don't forget to be ready, We'll be having a more....relaxed day today." Alastor said as he smiled before walking up the stairs. His smiled now strained.  

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