Chapter 6

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(A little bit of angst in this chapter) 

It was the next morning now, Alastor was in the kitchen cooking for the others before they would come downstairs. Lucifer walking down the stairs slowly. "Alastor your up..?" He spoke out faintly, catching Alastors attention. "Oh, good morning Lucifer, feeling better?" Alastor asked as he still had his focus on making breakfast. "Why would ask that.?" Lucifer said confused, running his hands through his messy blonde hair. "You were drunk last night, very drunk. We had a drinking competition, let's just say...I won!" Alastor chuckled looking back at Lucifer, an annoyed look on a Lucifers face. "Ah...I didn't say anything stupid did I?" Lucifer asked his face resting on his hand. "No not really, I mean you always saw stupid things but you didn't say anything too stupid!" Alastor chimed Lucifer still looking annoyed at Alastor. "M-my head hurts really bad..." Lucifer groaned holding his head, standing up to look for some medicine he could take. "Do know if there is any Tylenol?"  Lucifer asked his voice weak. "I dont think we have any Tylenol, my apologies your majesty" Alastor apologized handing Lucifer his breakfast. "Are the others awake yet?" Alastor asked, as Lucifer still had a troubled look on his face. " I don't think they're awake yet-but please just call me Lucifer." Lucifer responded. "Alright Luci, stay here I'll get you something." Alastor said smiling wide, as he then walked over to the cupboard getting medicine for Lucifer, Lucifer a little stunned by the sudden name. "Luci?" Lucifer repeated Alastor smiling. "Here is some medicine, it should help with the migraines and nausea." Alastor said handing Lucifer his meds. "O-Oh, thank you..." Lucifer said, as he took his meds, taking a sip of water and feeling a instant sick feeling. 

"DAD!" Charlie screamed rushing down the stairs her hair messy, immediately catching her fathers attention. "Charlie? Are you okay what's wrong?" Lucifer said, as Charlie rushed over to where he was sitting, standing up slightly. "I-I..I just got a call....from the main was mom." Charlie said as she herself was stunned, Lucifer's face in shock. "W-what..?" Lucifer spoke full of confusion, his face expression full of shock. Charlie taking a deep breathe, as she explained what just happened. Alastor himself slightly stunned by the sudden interaction, his ears slightly going back uneasily. "This morning I woke up, and I got a call from my office. Since y'know usually sinners call to get a room, but..Mom s-she called...and said she asked if Charlie was at the phone.." Charlie explained still shaken herself. " this is amazing..your mother and I..." Lucifer struggled to speak at a lost for words. "I'm sorry Charlie, I'm just very surprised at this...I mean Lilith...never...never mind...The good part of this is maybe you and your mother can reunite." Lucifer said smiling warmly at Charlie, and embracing her gently. "Thanks dad, I'm just happy to see mom again...and maybe we can have a family again..?" Charlie spoke softly, her voice filled with joy. "Maybe Char-Char" Lucifer spoke, Alastor standing to the side as he stood taking in all of this information. 

Lilith was really coming back? Returning to hell? Alastor thought to himself his emotions going wild, just by the thought. He felt uneasy, his ears laid flat against his head, as he tried to brush away these feelings. Regardless how uneasy he felt, he knew about the chokehold Lilith had him in. Not only how she gave him instructions to help her destroy Charlie's dreams, but their deal she had with him. Restraining him. Everyday and every night. 

"Hey Al..? Are you alright?" Lucifer spoke out noticing Alastors body language, as Alastor frantically cut some vegetables trying to prepare for dinner later. Alastor didn't respond as he was unaware of how his body language was visible to the others, as well as his ears making it clear how uncomfortable he was. "Alastor..?" Lucifer's voice echoed through Alastors mind, as he   continued to have thoughts run through his mind, trying desperately to brush it away and calm himself. As the ONLY thing he would never want anyone to see was him in a panic attack. Charlie looked worriedly at Alastor, watching her dad walk over to him, as he gently rubbed his shoulder. "'s ok..." Lucifer spoke surprisingly trying to comfort him despite their rivalry. Alastor snapped, as he had accidently cut himself while cutting the vegetables looking back at Alastor. Now aware of what was happening breaking from his thoughts, flinching slightly. "Oh my that cut looks pretty bad-" Lucifer said as he saw Alastor flinch. "My apologies Lucifer and Charlie, but I can assure you I was fine. I just zoned out for a second, all is alright! My apologies again, but I must go clean up!" Alastor said as real as he could, and walked away up to his own room. 

"Dad..could you maybe check on him..? I don't think he's doing that good right now...I'm not sure whats wrong..but maybe you could talk to him and see what's up?" Charlie said smiling slightly at her father, Lucifer smiling back. "I will try, but I high doubt he will say much." Lucifer said, as he hugged Charlie tightly then walking away up to the stairs. 

Lucifer walked up the stairs, walking down the hallway quietly, as he reached Alastors room, his door cracked, as he peeked through. "Al..? Lucifer spoke out softly, as he thought to himself. Why do I even care so much, he's just a sinner. Lucifer told himself, but really he was felt a little bit of concern for Alastor, and slightly confused on why Alastor was so uneasy with the mention of Lilith, but brushed it off as he saw Alastor was not in his room. 

Alastor appeared in his room with his shadow, a purple chain around his neck, and a bright purple aurora around him as he panted. A voice echoed, as Alastors smile widened, stitches appearing painfully. 

"Oh my dear Lucifer, you will find out the truth soon.

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