I waved at bonnie as she smiled, until the other brother got in the way and smirked at me.

Stefan rolled his eyes.


The day flew by, and the moon rose up in the starry sky. Mayor Lockwood was giving his speech, preparing for the fireworks.

However, my idiotic biological dad set off this machine, making all vampires close by fall to the ground.

Stefan held his head as he cried in pain, but I stayed close, incase  anything else happened.

Alaric ran  over and helped me take Stefan down the steps of the grill. Until it all made sense, they're rounding up the vampires.

" where's Damon?" Stefan asked.

" I don't know, but I'll take Jeremy home."

" okay then, we'll find Damon. Oh and ric, thanks for helping us." I smiled.

" where's Damon?" We both ran over to John.

" with the rest of them, where he should be. It's over for Damon." John said with no emotion at all. He's gone crazy in the head.

" you're crazy." I said.

" why? Because I'm doing what I should've done 145 years ago?" He asked. " this is the right thing Sadie."

Stefan glared at John, then the door that was set on fire.

" go ahead! You won't make it out. You'll save me the trouble of killing you myself." John smiled.

" you know the building well, is there another entrance in there?" Stefan looked at me.

" utility door. There's one around the side." I pointed, then we both attempted to run over to the door.

Stefan got there but scary Gilbert over here stopped me.
" one more step and I'll alert those deputies they missed a vampire."

" I'm asking you not to."

" that doesn't mean anything to me." I glared at him and his ugly face.

" as my father, it should." I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was saving until now.

" you know." I nodded.

He moved out of my way and I ran straight to the utility door.

Bonnie did some random spell on me, but there was no sight of Stefan. He must've gone in.

When she finished the spell, I panicked until I heard grunting and footsteps behind me.

" are you both okay?" I ran over to them both. They were okay. Thankfully.


We all went to the grill after, but it was late so I decided to head home.

" I looked everywhere!" I walked onto my porch with my phone against my ear, calling Stefan.
" yeah. Someone definitely took my stuff! I gotta check on Jeremy before I go to the hospital, can you meet me there? Thank you, bye!" I hung up, and grabbed my keys placing them in the door and walking inside.

" Jeremy?" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs, until I heard a clanking noise in the kitchen.

I gasped as John layed on the floor, full of pain. I ran over and grabbed a towel, placing pressure on his wounds. I hesitated and grabbed the phone, dialing 911.

" hi, I need an ambulance to 2104 maple street."

" behind you." John whispered.

I grabbed the weapon that was covered in red liquid, and walked around the first floor, but there was no sight of anyone.

OMGGGGG SEASON 1 FINISHED ALREADY!?!!? What the flip! Thank you so much for reading, I'll be working on s2 soon! Please remember to vote and share, EEEK THANK YOUUU!!!

-lily xx

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