Pilot (1x1)

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It was a sunny day in mystic falls. Everyone seemed to be alright. She guessed.

She suffered a tragic loss that changed my whole life around. New town. New home. New school. New lifestyle.

She picked up her diary as she sat down on her window and started to write.

"Dear diary, today will be different.it has to be. I will smile, and it will be believable."

She started to write as if shes talking to a therapist.

" my smile will say: 'I'm fine, thank you.' ' yes, I feel much better.'

" I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh. Be someone new.
It's the only way I'll make it through."


"Toast. I can make toast!" My aunt Jenna, who Sadie is living with at the moment, said as she rushed since it's a hectic morning as it's back to school. Ugh.

" it's all about the coffee, aunt Jenna." She said as she reached for one of the coffee cups in the sink.

" is there coffee?" Jeremy walked into the kitchen joining in on the conversation Sadie and Jenna was having.

" your first day of school, and I'm totally unprepared." Jenna sighed as she sped walked around the house.

" lunch money?" She questioned trying to be helpful.

" I'm okay." Sadie said as she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

" anything else? A number 2 pencil? What am I missing?" Jenna questioned as she looked through her work bag, trying to gather what was left.

" don't you have a big presentation today?" Sadie chose to be nosey like she always is.

" I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at.." she looked at her watch that shone in the daylight, " now. Crap."
She untied her hair and grabbed  her bags.

"Go! We'll be fine!" Sadie smiled, showing she can be responsible at times.

"You okay?" She turned back to Jeremy giving him a questioning look.

"Ugh, don't start." Jeremy says as he sipped his coffee,  and walked out of the kitchen.


" so! Grams is telling me I'm psychic." Bonnie started chatting on about what her grams told her.

" our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that. I know! Crazy! But she keeps going on and on about it! And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!!" She stated as she drove us both to school.

" but then! I start thinking, I predicted Obama, and I predicted heath ledger! And I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands."

Sae wasn't really paying attention. They drove past the graveyard her parents were buried at. Of course she wasn't  gonna listen.

" Sadie! Back in the car?" Bonnie snapped to get her attention.

" right, I did it again, didn't I? I'm sorry Bonnie... you were telling me that..-

" that I'm a psychic now!" Bonnie finished her sentence for her.

" right okay! Then predict something about me."

Bonnie sighed, trying to think.
" I see—"
She was going to finish her sentence until a black thing dropped onto the window, flying out of nowhere.

" omg! Sadie are you okay?" She asks her.

"It's okay I'm fine!" She smiled at her. " really I-i can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life." She giggled.

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