Chapter 28

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Waking up enveloped in Sam's comforting embrace marked a welcome change for Melody. She stirred at the sound of approaching footsteps echoing through the hallway. "Sammy? Mel?" A familiar voice pierced the air. The library door swung open, revealing Dean's figure framed in the doorway, his expression shifting from concern to a swift wave of embarrassment. "Um, anyone up for coffee?"


Breakfast was abruptly halted by Castiel's return, bearing news of a debt owed to a coven in Ankara in exchange for the almighty blade they now possessed. Dean's face lit up with anticipation. "Tonight, we put an end to this son of a bitch."


Nothing Else Matters was blasting from the Impala's tape deck as the group sped along the highway on their last leg of the journey towards their destination. With Castiel acting as their clandestine weapon, they opted for conventional travel to avoid alerting Hugo to their celestial ace up their sleeve.

"Dean, could we switch to something a bit more upbeat?" Sam interjected, attempting to reach for the tape deck. Dean's enthusiasm for Metallica as his battle anthem remained unwavering as he brushed aside Sam's attempt. Bobby, seated in the passenger side, chuckled at the familiar banter, grateful for the chance to ride shotgun while Sam kept company with Melody in the back.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Sam picked up on Melody's growing apprehension, giving her hand a squeeze. She nodded sceptically.


The sea was choppy and the sky was overcast as they rolled into town. The town that Melody didn't want to leave now felt strangely uninviting, almost like it was rejecting her.

They used Melody's key to enter Hugo's house and began scouring it. Bernie wasn't his usual self, remaining slumped in his bed when the gang entered. Besides the dog, the building stood silent and still. His law office was enveloped by the same eerie emptiness.

"Let's hope this bastard hasn't skipped town," Bobby remarked as they regrouped in the Impala. Melody had a brainwave and directed them to the victims properties.

A startled, skittish man answered the door at the ex teachers house. Sam flashed a fake FBI badge. "Sorry to disturb sir, undercover agents Hetfield and Ulrich. Have you seen this man?" At first the man shook his head. Melody raised an eyebrow. "That's my lawyer." He confessed. "But I haven't seen him since everything was finalised with the house." Sam nodded in response, satisfied that this weasel was telling the truth.

The garage was a bust too as it sat closed up.

Their final location was the former hardware store. The sign had been removed and it sat an empty shell. "This is it. He's in there" a deep voice suddenly pierced the air behind where the gang stood assessing the location. "Jesus Cas, we've talked about this!" Dean clutched his heart in shock. "It's heavily warded. I can't get in." Cas carried on, ignoring Dean's criticism. "Well that's put a spanner in our plan." Bobby groaned.

It was agreed that Bobby and Dean would scope the place out first, hopefully destroying the warding that prevented Castiel from entering. Sam, Melody and the angel waited anxiously in the car. "It's been ages, they could be in trouble." Melody protested after a tense while. "We can't risk you." Sam was adamant. Castiel had a pained expression on his usually neutral face. "She's right Sam, they need help." Without saying a word, Sam clambered from the car. Melody followed suit. "Absolutely not." Sam said sharply, grabbing her by her shoulders. "I'm what he wants. I can distract him while you clear the warding. It's our best shot." She was defiant and determined, swigging a vial of the potion antidote for good measure. "I'm going in."


They entered the shop via the fire escape, enchanted weapon in hand to hopefully cause some damage. Sam silently and protectively gestured for Melody to stay behind him as they approached a faint light emanating from the store room. The walls were covered in symbols and wardings. Rows of empty metal shelves were laid thick with brick dust, leading to a clearing in the centre of the room. Sure enough, there stood Hugo, his imposing figure lurching over a small table scattered with bowls and magicial ingredients as he ground some herbs. Dean was out cold, slumped against a wall, blood trickling from a laceration on his forehead. Bobby was in a far corner, clutching his leg and writhing in pain; shin bone snapped. Melody tried her best to stifle tears. Sam's jaw clenched as he charged forward. Hugo didn't even look up, he simply flicked his hand in Sam's general direction with little effort, sending him flying across the room, crashing into the steel shelves with a metallic thud. He lay motionless.

"Enough!" Melody screamed from the doorway she was taking shelter in. "Take it. I don't want it. Just leave them alone." This was enough to grab Hugo's attention, he turned to face her, looking even broader and taller than she remembered. He slunk over to her, placing his thumb on her chin and forcing her head upwards to stare him in the eye. "Let's get started then shall we?" He grinned menacingly.

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