Chapter 17

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The day of the ball rolled around too quickly. Melody was knee deep in research for the case when her phone rang, Hugo's face flashing across the caller ID. "Hey babe, I'm tied up with the ball and everything today, but I've got a surprise for you. I'm sending a car for you at 2pm." She hesitated, "I was fine taking the bus later." Dismissing her protest, Hugo insisted, "I've got it sorted."

At exactly 2 pm, a sleek car silently pulled into the motel parking lot. The driver collected Melody, escorting her to a posh district with luxurious shops. A text message awaited her: "I've arranged a dress fitting for you. Cinderella shall go to the ball! H x." Groaning, she was planning on wearing something of her own, something more "Melody". After trying on several dresses, she settled for a simple black satin gown, eager to get the whole ordeal over with.

The car took her to a hotel and a member of staff escorted her up to a room, carrying her scruffy backpack and the contrasting lavish box with her new dress in it. The room was stunning. It was a suite with a view of the town through floor length windows. The coffee table in the lounge area had a tray of chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and a bunch of roses. She read the card which simply said "You deserve this. Love H x"

She felt consumed by guilt. This was a far cry from her former life, her former life that she'd adored. Sam, who she adored. She had a sip of champagne then told herself she deserved this too, as she let a hair stylist and her assistant into the room to set to work. A make up artist had appeared not long after and she was really beginning to feel like Cinderella. She didn't recognise herself in the mirror by the time they'd done with her; her usually unruly hair was sleek, straight and had been put into a half updo. Her face looked a far cry from how it did when she used her usual gas station make up.

Hugo arrived around 6.30. "Wow...just wow." "I know, I look silly right?!" Melody blushed. "No, not at all." He went to help her with her zip. "I'd love nothing more than to be taking this off instead of putting it on." He almost growled as he kissed her neck from behind. She suddenly felt uncomfortable that Hugo's lips were touching her in the same places Sam's had all that time ago - and realised now just how different it felt, almost repulsed.

She stepped away and downed the remainder of her champagne. "The things ya do for the people you -" she stopped herself, unable to finish the sentence, shocked it'd even tried to come out of her mouth in the first place, given the circumstances.


"Just be yourself" Hugo reassured her during the car ride, his giant hand completely engulfing hers as he gave it a gentle squeeze. "That's what I'm afraid of", Melody half joked. "As long as you've not brought your chopsticks, I'm sure it'll be fine."

They arrived at a vast, regal looking building. Every window was lit up and there were clusters of people in black tie attire stood around the foyer. She was on guard for anyone acting suspiciously. They were escorted to their seats in the giant ballroom. There was a huge screen on the back wall, easily close to a hundred tables, a stage and dance floor and two well stocked bars. Waiters and waitresses were scuttling all over getting the final touches ready. Hugo went to shake the hand of the man who was directing everyone and Melody felt like a spare part.

Luckily the droves of people started filling the room not long after, and Hugo took his seat next to her before dinner service started. The staff were highly skilled at keeping the tables topped up with wine, to her relief. She didn't even care for it, but it was better than being sober.

Between courses she glanced around the room...everyone had some silly title like "lord" or "lady" and they all just seemed so stuck up - their noses literally stuck in their air when they laughed. Loaded most likely though. Hugo knows his audience. She thought.

The plates were swiftly cleared away and the music started. Guests started stumbling to the dance floor. Melody was relieved when she found herself alone at the table with Hugo. "You look wonderful tonight, have I told you?" He spoke into her ear, giving her lobe a teasing nibble as he did. She felt flushed and wondered if they'd get away with sneaking off for a while when her dirty thoughts were rudely interrupted. "Hugo old chap!!! How's things?! You didn't tell me you'd been hiding a wife, the beast has been tamed!" An elderly man approached, everything about him from his red cheeks to his stomach were perfectly round. He had a curly moustache, smelled overpoweringly of Old Spice and spat whenever he spoke. "Ha, not yet. Ronald this is Melody, my companion for the evening. Melody, this is Ronald Wintertin. He and my father went to law school together." She put on her very best fake smile as he kissed the back of her hand, it hurt her face to do so and she cringed at the feeling of his wiry moustache against her skin. He turned to Hugo; "I must admit, I was disappointed when I heard you'd decided to take the company on. But what's a bit of healthy competition ey? My offer still stands, I'd buy you out at any time." Hugo had a gracious smile, "That won't be necessary but I appreciate you offering." He patted Ronald on the back as he went on his way.

Many more false interactions and glasses of wine later, the DJ announced "this is a song for all you love birds out there". Oh the cheese, Melody thought to herself as Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden erupted from the speakers. Hugo lead her over to the dance floor. Her head on his shoulder, their bodies pressed against each other, his big, strong hands on the small of her back - she began to feel comfortable around him again. This was getting more confusing by the second.

"You'll hafta excuse me for a minute - duty calls" he mumbled in her ear as the song faded, leaving her stood in the middle of the dance floor alone like a spare part. Waiting staff were weaving their way around the guests like bumble bees, giving each a glass of champagne for toasts. Hugo stood patiently on the stage in front of a microphone, lightly tapping his own glass with a fork to grab everyone's attention. "Firstly, I hope everyone's having a great evening" he paused to allow the tipsy guests to respond with multiple yeahs. "I want to personally thank each and every one of you for coming out tonight and especially for all your generous donations. Together we can make sure countless people get the legal aid they deserve, no matter what their financial circumstances." She'd never seen him in professional mode. He was strangely charming and trustworthy. And devastatingly sexy. His large frame was imposing. She wondered how his suit jacket hadn't ripped from the flexing of his biceps when he moved. Everyone raised their glasses in a toast and the room was filled with cheers and clapping.

"It was my father's dream to pull off something like this. He'd be over the moon to see how many of you have attended tonight." He continued when the room quietened again. "Speaking of which, I do have one extra special guest here with me tonight." Melody felt like her internal organs were about to hit the floor as a hushed chatter broke out amongst the crowd. "And, selfishly, an extra special question to ask". Fuuuuuuck, she was screaming internally as he jumped from the stage and got down on one knee in front of Melody. He pulled out an ornate ring box and revealed a huge, crystal clear diamond ring. He looked up at her, almost enjoying watching her squirm. She was truly shocked. They'd not even had a conversation about being exclusive yet, now this? It felt off in her gut. She wondered if he'd somehow figured out she was struggling with feelings for someone else, but this would have been a strange reaction to it.

The room was silent with tension. She knew she'd need to speak soon but couldn't find the words; she was in shock. She knew if she said yes, she was committing not just to Hugo and this new life, but she was closing the door and nailing it shut on everything she used to have. On her unofficial family, on Sam. Her heart wasn't in it. She couldn't say yes.

She opened her mouth to respond with a "sorry, no" but a "yes" snuck out instead. Applause thundered around the ballroom and Hugo slipped the ring on her finger, which instantly felt heavy. Melody knew she should have felt elation, but she just felt confused. What was going on?

1 - Unofficial Daughter - A SPN TrilogyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora