Chapter 12

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Later that week another suspicious death happened in the town. The local hardware store owner, Jim Wright, had passed away suddenly. The local paper reported it as a heart attack. Very sudden and unexpected. However, Melody had cracked the firewalls of the local police station (advantage of a small sleepy town where nothing remotely sinister happens; the IT was archaic) using some skills Sam had taught her a while back and the coroner's report stated his heart was in ribbons, like it had imploded.

She was tapping away on the keyboard digging for more intel, thinking back to 6 years ago when Sam spent a whole Sunday afternoon teaching her all this:

"So, make sure you've got your VPN set up first. Last thing you want is for anyone to track your real IP address and get your location." Sam was instructing as they both sat around his laptop at Bobby's dining table. "So, as far as anyone knows, we're accessing this site from uhhh" he checked another program "Munich Germany" he finished, in the absolute worst German accent.

They laughed until their sides hurt. It took 3 more attempts for Melody to understand it all, she was far too busy drinking Sam in. The way he screwed his lips up when he was deep in thought, how he'd look over and smile every few minutes to make sure Melody was following, even how his forearms flexed when he was busy typing and clicking away. She wanted to scooch her chair close enough to him to feel his body heat and take in his scent. Ugh. It felt almost wrong to Melody to be feeling that way after so long. She had to shut this down.

She snapped herself out of the haze of nostalgia and brought herself back in the room, back to the task at hand. The police report mentioning an "unidentified bag of herbs" discovered at the scene steered her thoughts towards the occult—a hex bag. Witches, then, were entangled in this mystery.


It was Saturday night and after a lot of deliberation, Melody was getting ready to meet Hugo for that drink. She was lonely since leaving home and figured it couldn't hurt, socialising was a welcome change from sleuthing.

A horn beeped outside the motel room, she took one last look at herself in the mirror - assessing her flowery sundress, gave her curls a ruffle and headed out the door.

Hugo waved from behind the wheel of a black Chevy Suburban. He looked good, Melody thought to herself as she approached. He'd got a smart white shirt on that made his tanned skin look even darker, the top three buttons undone to show off a peep of his solid pecs. "Hey, hop in!" He smiled, leaning over to push the passenger door open. She was hit by the smell of his smoky aftershave and the sound of the radio playing.

"So, I figured we could check out a spot in the next town over. It's a bit more lively over there."
They drove for a half hour before twinkling lights and buildings appeared on the horizon. They pulled up to a swanky cocktail bar and the waiter escorted them to a table on the roof terrace. "Can I get you anything?" He handed them each a drinks menu. Melody was a woman of simple tastes; beer or whiskey was all she'd ever known. Her head was spinning seeing pages of punny named cocktails and more wines than she knew existed. "We'll have a bottle of champagne please" Hugo jumped in, saving her the embarrassment of not knowing what a Colorado Bulldog could consist of.

She was unsure whether it was the bubbles, the warm night air, her new found freedom or being around Hugo (perhaps a combination of them all), but she was genuinely enjoying herself for the first time in a long while. She wasn't looking over her shoulder or confused or worried. She felt light and comfortable.


"So how does someone like you end up somewhere like this with someone like me?" She slurred. "Ha, well you were there too that day on the beach, remember?" He shot back, sass seeping through his words. "Seriously though, I guess I just wanted to slow down. To settle, ya know?" Oh she knew. "I won't lie; I've been living life hard and fast till my dad passed. It made me realise I didn't wanna end up like him. Old, bitter, alone. Coming home to an empty house. So I took on the company, figured this town would settle me down...and now I come home to a hyperactive St Bernard who eats the sofa cushions." For the first time that evening, his sexy, bravado filled smile was replaced with a sweet one. "You're not getting off that easy anyways. Your turn to spill your guts. This is where I find out you've a secret husband huh?" Melody chuckled. "Oh definitely not. Quite the opposite. I've never been able to settle." She began, thinking of all the one night stands or dates that she'd ghosted when they'd gotten too close. Feeling a pang of regret that she'd left the one person she'd felt a genuine connection with behind in her past life. "Well, here's to growing roots." He winked as they clinked glasses.


The evening passed in a tipsy blur and she didn't want it to end as they pulled up to her motel. "So..." she hesitated awkwardly. "So, I'm going to kiss you goodnight now." There he was again, swooping in, oozing with infectious confidence. "You should probably come in." She suggested after a while of making out.

Before she knew it, Melody was throwing open the door to her motel room. She kicked her shoes across the room and Hugo pushed her onto the bed. His body was even more impressive when it didn't have clothing on it. She couldn't help but bite her lip as he stripped off.

His confidence translated well in the bedroom too. He was highly skilled and knew exactly what he was doing - exactly where to kiss, where to touch, where to nibble and where to spank. Melody was dizzy with pleasure after each climax - and there were many.

By the time they settled down to sleep, the birds were already singing in the trees outside and they were both truly exhausted. They collapsed into a sweaty mess on the tangled bedsheets.

She awoke a few hours later to find the room completely still. She rolled over to find the side of the bed where Hugo was sleeping was now empty.  His phone and car keys had vanished from the bedside table. She sat up and stared over at the bathroom. Empty too.

"Of course." she whispered to the silent room, her voice tinged with disappointment. It was usually her doing the disappearing act after a night of passion. Maybe this was her karma.

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