There she was reading her namaj, I never believe that I got someone who pray this lot, and connected to allah..
I started walking towards her and bend on her level I said

"You are reading namaz without me, very bad" she turned around to see me...
The moment our eyes met after a long time of longing felt like a burst of sunlight breaking through stormy clouds. A wave of happiness washed over me, filling every corner of my being with warmth and joy. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and all the days of missing them faded into oblivion in that instant. The sight of their smile was like a beacon of hope, reassuring me that no matter the distance or time apart, our connection remained steadfast. In that precious moment, all that mattered was the overwhelming happiness of being reunited with the person I had missed dearly for the past time....
So she said "come we will pray together"

As the soft glow of dawn filtered through the windows, we sat side by side on the prayer rug, our hearts synchronized in devotion. With each bow and prostration, our souls aligned in harmony, seeking solace and guidance from the Almighty. The rhythmic recitation of verses echoed in the room, weaving a bond of spiritual connection between us. In that sacred moment, as we bowed our heads in submission, our souls intertwined in the serene beauty of prayer, finding peace and tranquility in each other's company.

I looked at her, she sat out like a rare gem, a vision of elegance in her vibrant green anarkali. The rich fabric gracefully draped around her figure, accentuating her graceful movements Embroidered with intricate patterns in gold thread, the anarkali shimmered in the sunlight, casting a mesmerizing glow around her, framing her delicate features with a touch of sophistication. the pleats of her attire swirled in a mesmerizing dance, drawing admiring glances from all who beheld her beauty. a vision of timeless allure in her green anarkali...

I looked into her eyes and tears stream down my noor's face, each drop feels like a dagger piercing through my heart, shattering it into a million pieces

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I looked into her eyes and tears stream down my noor's face, each drop feels like a dagger piercing through my heart, shattering it into a million pieces. The pain in her eyes echoes within me, aching with an intensity that knows no bounds. Her tears become a reflection of my own vulnerability, stirring a deep sense of helplessness within me. In those moments, all I long for is to hold her close, to comfort her and wipe away every trace of sorrow from her delicate cheeks. Yet, as I witness her tears, I am reminded of the fragility of our bond, and the profound responsibility I hold to be her pillar of strength. With every tear shed, I am propelled to mend her broken pieces, to be her solace amidst the storms of life, and to love her with a tenderness that knows no bounds. For when my wife cries, it is not just her tears that fall, but fragments of my own soul that ache to see her smile once more....

"My dearest noor, please you know that your tears touch my soul deeply. You are not alone now in this moment or nowhere; I am here, holding you close. Your strength amazes me every day, and it's okay to let your emotions flow. Together, we will weather any storm that comes our way. I love you more than words can express, and I will always be here to wipe away your tears and hold you through the night. You are my rock, and together, we can overcome anything. Trust in our love, and know that brighter days lie ahead." I said to her...

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