So You Can Make Those Expressions

Start from the beginning

Yet that's when she felt her brother shake her awake once more, his fingers slapping her face lightly before she vaguely saw his terrified eyes. "Hey, I know. Let's play a game, okay? Instead of thinking about all the bad things l want you to think about the good ones. Can you do that? Just think about the good, okay?

Forcing her lips into a grimace, Asagao frowned. "Will that make you happy again?"

Her brother then nodded weakly, ignoring the feeling of his little sister's blood on his fingers as he choked out a reply. "Y-Yeah, it will. Just as long as you try your best. You gotta promise me that you'll try your best to think about the good. No more bad."

And that was enough for her to nod her head, the feeling like lead. Anything to make her Saku not sad anymore. "Mmmkay. I'll try."

She said that, but the idea was far harder than it appeared, the little girl feeling her head fall against her brother's warm embrace as she vaguely heard his rushed breathing, like the boy was running for his life through some sort of corridor.

Then she heard his voice, the sound underwater as his shaking fingers clutched onto his little sister for dear life. "I promise, I promise that when you wake up you won't be hurt ever again. It doesn't matter what I have to do in return. I'll take your place if I have to, I'll be their assassin, I'll be their favorite toy. Just as long as you're safe, I don't care what happens to me."

And though she couldn't register the weight of the words, Asagao used her last bit of strength to whisper back a reply, her words barely audible.  "D-Don't be sad Saku..I love you.."

Then she felt herself betray her big brother's wishes, the pull too strong as the six year old child gave into its call finally.

Yet just before she drifted off, she heard another voice. Except this one sounded just like her, terrified, like she was watching the entire scene before her as she screamed into her own mind over and over again as the darkness covered Asa's vision without permission. 

No, don't close your eyes. Don't pass out. When you wake up it will be in a hospital bed alone and you'll never see him again. You'll never get to know him. Please, don't lose him again! He's right there, don't let him go, don't let him die, please..!"



Gasping loudly, Asagao's body lurched forward, her hand reaching out to an invisible force in order to plead out through the darkness only to catch air. Gone was the cold empty room of her childhood, replaced by the familiar walls and tatami mats of her brother's old apartment.

She then registered the reality before slowly dropping her hands down onto the mattress with a sad thud, her eyes turning down before she fell backwards with a shaky breath. The last memory she had of Oda, why did it have to play tonight?

Asagao frowned at the memory before looking at the clock that read 3AM in mocking reply causing the girl to grimace. She couldn't even get one good night's sleep.

Turning her head to the side, Asagao then caught the familiar large circular glasses by her bedside before a sick sense of deja vu flooded into her without permission.

The girl could remember it so incredibly clearly, even today. The feeling of her six year old body waking up alone in a room she didn't recognize with only a pair of glasses and a letter by her bedside. It was the last time she ever saw her brother.

Asa then frowned again before lifting her hands up in order to push them on top of her eyes with suppressed sob. If only she didn't pass out that time, if only she kept him from leaving her then things would've been different. Then maybe he wouldn't have died.

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