"Quit Trying To Be Odasaku"

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One Year Ago

Silently opening up the looming door in front of her face, fourteen year old Asagao slipped inside the darkened space before closing the surface and leaning her back against the wood with distant eyes.

And though she tried not to, a small shaky sigh couldn't help but escape her lips in order to think back to the confrontation just moments ago. She blew it again, of course she did. That's always what happened, why was she expecting anything different?

It started innocently enough, the girl noticing when one of the girls in her class was strangely silent the entire day.

So naturally, when class was over she pulled her aside and asked her what was wrong. Asa just wanted to help, honest. She wanted to wipe that sad look from her classmates face, that was her intention. That was always the intention.

She never wanted to hurt her.

Yet the moment the girl shut down, Asa pushed, she pushed herself to figure out just what was hurting her by commenting on her appearance and cadence of speech.

They were dirty and unkept, like they hadn't been washed in weeks and soon enough Asagao had concluded that her father had stolen all of their families money and ran away leaving them broke and hungry.

So naturally, she told the girl her findings.

Asa's assumptions were correct of course, but the girl didn't know the hurt that she had unknowingly caused, her isolated and unique upbringing in the hellhound program leaving gaps in her learning of social cues and understanding of sensitive topics.

No, Oda's sister only saw logic, analyzing the situation like she had always been trained to do, what she had been damaged to do without a second thought. It was a character flaw, one that Asa didn't even realize was there.

But that came at a cost, it always did.

Because a moment later, she watched as the girl's face flushed with a type of embarrassment in order to shove Asa as hard as she possibly could in order for the red haired girl to spot tears in her classmates eyes. 

But Asa didn't understand the response. Why were there tears? Asagao was right in every possible manner. She had guessed her problem. Isn't that what she wanted, for someone to figure her out so that she wouldn't be so lonely? So that Asa could help her?

These were all thoughts that crossed her mind before she felt her body collide with her ground as her glasses slipped from her eyes at the same time, the sound clattering with haunting familiarity only for the girl to shriek and jump back with fear at the sight of her scary and hollow expression.

Then very familiar words appeared in the air, the girl calling her the usual insults Asa was used to before getting her other friends to do the same. It was like she was some sort of freak show, some sort of sideshow attraction and oddity that didn't belong.

Freak. Scary. Annoying. Defect. Disgusting. Monster.

And Asagao supposed they were right.

She didn't belong, not with them. She knew that. She had lost her chance the moment her captives molded her into their own sick design. Normal, there was no hope for that now.

One look at that was plain to see to everyone around, even her.

So much so, the girl didn't object, simply crawling back on her knees before leaving the whispers and murmurs behind in order to retreat back to her dorm room silently.

Timeless (Dazai X Female Character)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat