I Could Go For Some Curry

Start from the beginning

And although he wouldn't ever admit it, Dazai knew that his partner brought life to the boring mediocrity of his sad pathetic life, if only for a moment. They were the closest thing each other had to the term "friends", in a fucked up, manipulative, forced to be together kinda way.

Yet even so, Dazai couldn't help but enjoy poking fun at the boy. Perhaps it was because Chuuya was so human to him while he was the opposite?

Turning his head up in challenge, Dazai then indeed dared. "What, am I too tall for you to understand me the first time? Can't hear me all the way from up here, Chuuya? Or should I say petite mafia?"

Then all at once, Dazai reveled in the boy's face, his eyes practically bulging from his skin as he tightened his grip on the bandaged boy with unmatched fury. "P-Petite?! Who are you calling petite, you social misfit!"

Shaking the boy around a couple times, Chuuya then seemed to realize the manipulation before roughly letting go of his shitty partner with an aggravated sigh. "God, the first thing I have to see once I get back is your shitty face? Talk about bad luck."

Dazai only nodded in response though, his shoulders moving in a disgruntled shrug. "You're telling me. I was enjoying my day until you came along and ruined it."

And for once, it seemed like the boy's agreed on something, Chuuya's eyes immediately moving past the bandaged annoyance in order to shove his hands into his pockets. "Well that makes two of us, shitty mackerel. Now get out of my way. I gotta go inform the boss about the mission. Do me a favor and go kill yourself while I'm gone."

Yet that's when Dazai's eyes sparkled with pure joy for his partner's dark request, lifting his hands up in an excited and bubbly wave. "Say less!"

Realizing his words had the opposite effect, Chuuya then paused for a moment before closing his eyes with an exasperated mutter. "Such a pain in my ass, I swear."

Of course he'd be happy about that kinda request, the sick bastard.

And as Chuuya started to leave, Dazai couldn't help but lower his eyes in silent thought. What would his partner say to Odasaku's odd request to be good? Would he laugh at him, would he tell him that it was impossible? The boy didn't know.

Chuuya was always so real and human, surely he would be able to treat Oda's sister with the care that she deserved. If he was in Dazai's position the boy would've probably had a million ideas on how to go about Asagao's ridiculous request.

But he wasn't Chuuya, he wasn't human, he was something else entirely.

Something wrong .

Dazai knew he didn't have the capacity or ability to carefully hold Odasaku's greatest treasure between his fingers and not crush her. He was inadequate and insufficient in every possible way. 

Allowing his voice to escape a moment later, Dazai turned towards the red haired kid slowly. "Hey Chuuya.."

The boy only expected another insult though, his shoulders immediately going rigid in order to turn back with a high pitched short. "What?!"

And for a moment, Dazai remained silent, willing the words to his mind. How do I be good? How can I honor Odasaku's wish when I'm so defective? How can I be more human like you?

Pushing his lips together in order to suck in a heavy breath, the boy then dropped his hands before giving Chuuya a tight forced smile. "Nothing, never mind."

Chuuya paused at that though, his head turning at the strange new atmosphere only for Dazai to add playfully. "I was just going to say that your outfit today is super tacky. Where did you get it from again? The emo bargain bin?"

Timeless (Dazai X Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now