11: Shall We Dance?

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- helloooo
- TW: slight violence, slight smut
- 3rd person POV:
- right where we left off:

"Well I think that you both are beautiful women who look way younger" a blonde woman with a slight Russian accent comes into view.

Natasha and Mariela freeze, quickly realizing who that person is even behind the mask.

"Сестра?! (Sister?!)"

The blonde woman quickly turns to look at Natasha. "Наташа? Что?! (Natasha? What?!)"
All 4 of the women are wide eyed, Ella feeling a bit dumb for letting this slip from her head.

"Oh shit..." Ella mumbles.
"Oh Ella Maria, now you've done it..." Mariela mumbles.

"What the fuck are you doing here Natasha? I thought you were in Russia with a friend!"

"Yelena lower your voice down, i wouldn't want to start a commotion if i were you"
Yelena quickly turns her head towards Mariela, realization flooding her eyes as she starts piecing everything together.

"Oh my god, wait, YOU- you took her hostage didn't you? Oh god, I will kill you and drink from your blood-"

"Calm down Lena" Natasha says.
"Yes she did take me hostage but let's not threaten her like that, she doesn't deserve it"

"Well you better start explaining before I get to the point of exploding"

Natasha takes a deep breath and starts from the beginning, explaining everything, however leaving out their special moments. "Yes she may have kidnapped me, but she has been nothing short of sweet and kind"

Yelena slowly nods and comes in terms with everything, however she still continues to glare at not only Mariela, but also Ella.

"Welp- congratulations Ella, you have officially reached the highest and newest level of stupidity" Mariela mutters while glaring at her sister.

"Oh shut up, it's not like you wouldn't do the same if it were Natasha" Ella quirks a brow at Mariela, while also returning the glare after she sees Mariela's smirking face.

"Ohhhh, now I get it" she teases, then takes a deep breath and looks at Yelena.

"You better not say anything about this to anyone" Mariela threatens.

Yelena smirks, seemingly finding out about the women's slight attraction towards her sister, "I wouldn't threaten me if I were you" she raises a suggestive brow at Mariela who lightly blushes but still narrows her eyes at the blonde.

"Now since we explained our part of why we're  here, you two better start explaining how you even know each other" Natasha ask impatiently, leaving no room for discussion.

"Well the day of the ambush-" Mariela snickers at Ella and receives glares from the 3 women around her, so she gulps and raises her hands in surrender, then smirks at Ella to continue.

"-we got to chat for a bit, and we just exchanged phone numbers, we've been in contact ever since"

"Ella asked me for a favor and I couldn't say no when she asked so sweetly-" she pauses and glares as she looks at her sister's suggestive smirk "so here we are"

Mariela starts laughing and only gets confused looks in return. "It's just that- it's, oh god this is so messed up right now"

"Ye, just like your feelings for-"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence"  Mariela threatens in a deep voice while deadly glaring at Ella, making Natasha bite her lip.

"Are they always like this?"  Yelena asks in boredom as she witnesses the childish argument the two sisters have started.

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