Spilled Ink ๑

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Oliver had been sat in Miss sasha's art class, due to his bad behavior in class with zip, this was Miss Circle's best attempt at mercy for Oliver, because he had just been acting out, but not failing. So, Oliver was mindlessly doodling on a piece of paper that Ms.Sasha had given him, drawing little stars and spirals, flowers, worms, hearts, anything he could keep of to keep himself entertained, as this sort of detention did count towards his grade in art, and even with how much he disliked art, he still valued his grades.. and his life.

The classroom was large, being separated into two sections, one section having the desks and art materials and the whiteboard, and the other side having sinks, cleaning materials, lend-out-only art supplies such as glue, the larger paint bottles, and pens, ect. This area had two desks in it, and Oliver was sat at one of them, separating him from the rest of the class so he didn't cause trouble.

Oliver was grumbling to himself while holding the pencil in his hand like a five year old holding a crayon would, and he kept doodling, eventually spacing out, still drawing. Miss Sasha went and checked on him in the middle of the class, snapping oliver out of the space.

Oliver; "hey, miss!" He said, greeting the teacher happily.

Miss Sasha: " hey! What are you drawing?"

he then down at his paper, seeing he ended up drawing a small picture of himself and alice. He was embarrassed and quickly tried to cover his paper with his arms, knocking over a small container of ink, spilling it over his paper, and onto his arms. He looked up at miss sasha, and then looked down at the paper again, seeing it get covered in ink.

Miss Sasha laughed a bit and and asked him; "You okay?"

Oliver: Ha, Yeah, Sorry.. It was just mindless scribbles anyway.

Miss Sasha: You should go wash off your arms, I'll get you a new paper.

Oliver: Yes Ma'am!

He went and washed the ink off of his arms, embarrassed at the scene he had just made over a little drawing.

Miss Sasha had just enough time to see the drawing, and while grabbing the new paper she laughed to herself about Oliver's panic over the illustration.


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