Marcille x Y/N "Black Magic" Part 1

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Marcille POV

Today will be the day new students will start to take their entrance exams in our magic school and the principal has asked me to come assist them on assigning the new students to the respective rooms where they'll take their exams.

I'm so excited to meet new students! maybe I'd get to meet new people and make more friends!

"Someone looks happy"

I turned around to find Falin smiling at me "Oh hiya Falin! gosh how did you know? I'm just excited to meet the new students as all!"

Falin giggled and grinned poking my cheeks "I can't wait to meet them too! maybe we can ask them to join us for lunch later" she suggested

nodding enthusiastically I jumped all giddy and smiled widely before dragging Falin to the room where the students are all together

inside the room was packed with new students and each and everyone of them were all from different races such as elves, humans and gnomes

I was getting all hyped up that Falin had to calm me down before I explode or scare the newbies away.

A few minutes later one of our professors clapped her hands to get our attentions

"Alright attention new students, you will be taking an entrance exam on each different rooms your seniors will help lead the way if you have any questions feel free to ask them"

This is it! This will be the day Falin and I will get to meet new people! Yay!

"Shall we start leading some of the students to their rooms?" Falin looked at me and smiled, I nodded and happily hummed

"Yes! Now come on help me!-"

Just then I felt accidentally bumped into me causing us both to almost stumble down on our feet

"I'm truly sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"No No it's alright! It was my fault for not looking...."

Who is this...eye catching new student?...she has beautiful E/C colored eyes and H/C colored hair

She's gorgeous- wait what on earth am I even saying?! the hell is wrong with me? I'm their senior I shouldn't act like this!

"E-Excuse me miss! Again I'm truly sorry"

Before I could even reach once more she bowed to me apologetically and immediately excused herself away, Falin tilted to the side and looked down at me smiling while I was staring in the air

"you have a really red face right now Marcille~" she cooed

"R-Really?..uhh haha! I mean I don't know what you're talking about Falin!"

Was I really this easily attracted to girls??


Oh god that was so embarassing!?! I keep telling myself not to mess around with anyone on the first day

and yet this happened, THIS FCKING HAPPENED?!

pardon my english but jeez I can't help it, stupid clumsy feet ughh..

I groaned and covered my red face with my hands mumbling how my stupidity started showing when I least needed them.

All I wanted was a peaceful life in this Academy but faith had different plans for little ol me

and now all of the students down the hallway were staring and looking at me whispering to themselves

"Hey isn't that the girl who bumped into Marcille?"

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