Night 5: Ant-imatronic

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"Renaldo, who was keeping Ant into a coma, sees that he has no pulse left and throws his body into the fire. He claims proudly that Ant has finally succumbed to torment..."

Dan is trapped in the haunted house, after Ant locked him in there. But as soon as he collects his thoughts he starts to realize something...

Dan: Ant that's not funny open the door!! Come on Dude! Why would you do this to me? I thought that we were friends! I thought that we hosted this theme park and... Wait a second... We never hosted a theme park! How did I even get here? WHAT'S GOING ON??

Dan's memories are all coming back to him, as he tries to escape the haunted house by breaking the window's glass. He wanders around some trees, with the panic of his sudden self-awareness, until the animatronics and Ant spot him and chase him!!

Dan is completely freaked out and confused by seeing his friend being compromised with the animatronics. He tries to avoid them at all cost but unfortunately they seem much more smarter than he remembers... He hides inside some buildings of the park, in an attempt to lose them, while Ant keeps repeating the words " Join us Dan" with a loud, distorted voice...

Realizing that there is nothing he can do to save or get back his friend, Dan decides that it's time to leave this place. He manages to gain a significant lead from the animatronics with his cleverness and he leaves the park, by realizing that fortunately the animatronics can't leave from there...

Ant: Join us Dan! Experience our everlasting torment!

Dan: I don't want to experience anything with any of you guys! I'm getting out of here, I'm gonna tell the police what happened, and I'm just gonna go home and cry... This place is evil, this is terrible!!

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