Night 2: Freddy's face

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Dan and Ant wear their security guard costumes once again, but for the first time as Dan claims, while Ant seems to remember that they have worked like this before.

Dan: Dude this outfit is so freaking itchy!

Ant: Well, it's really tight, I haven't worn it in a couple of years..

Dan: Wait what? You've never worn this outfit. In my recollection you're never worn it.

Ant: Whatever you say, what are we supposed to do tonight?

Dan: I don't know, I guess we do what the freaking people we're paying to do.

Ant: Yeah, are they coming in or what?

Dan: If they do, I'm gonna fire them both! They are out!

Ant: You know, you are usually Mr. Bossy Pants, but I'm thinking the exact same thing right now. We're opening tomorrow, this is not the time for them to not be showing up to work!

They are visibly annoyed at the inconsistency of the security guards, as they receive a call from Mr. Afton (the creator of the park and the animatronics). He explains them what to do for the night.

Mr. Afton: I just called a call from William. The nightguards didn't show up.

Ant: Yeah, they were scheduled to be here right now but they're not, so what the deal?

Mr. Afton: Well, that's rather unfortunate. It looks like you two are going to stay the night. I'd better warn you about something though...

Mr. Afton explains them that the way these animatronics work is that they receive an update to their software the day before the park opens. Until this is completed, they have a small problem. Occasionally they will try to reposition themselves, although when they end up leaving their designated area they act... Let's say a bit funky:)

Mr. Afton: Look, I know you understand, but let me reiterate to illustrate how important is for them not to leave their area.

Ant: Okay then, we won't let them leave their places.

Dan: Why would you even make them like that? So when they leave their area, they kind of just attacking people?! I'm sorry, but this seems like a pretty big security oversight Mr. Afton.

Mr. Afton: Look, I gave you top of the line animatronics, that's just the cost of progress. Now, if one of them leave their area I have installed gates to every single area of this park.

Ant: Yes, and according to the instruction manuals we can control them through our camera systems. So we just close them if we see anything suspicious.

Mr. Afton: Excellent! One of you will have to be tasked with going at their area and put the animatronics back to their station though, where the AI should reset momentarily. 

Dan: Fine, fine I'll do it...

Mr. Afton: Well, I'll see you in a few hours in the Grand Opening. Don't disappoint me.

As the night progresses and they check their cameras, Dan notices Bonnie leaving his stage! Dan leaves the security guard towers to reposition Bonnie in his place, while Ant looks at the cameras and lets him know who is moving away from where they should be.

Dan: OH COME ON! Now the weather it's getting bad?? Why is it always have to rain on me when I'm outside? 

Ant: That's really unfortunate, man...

Dan: Ok, where is that stupid rabbit?

Ant: Did you find him?

Dan: Ah, yes he is returning to his stage. Voice commands work. Surprised the rain doesn't screw with them either.

Ant: Alright, good job dude.

Dan: Ok, I'm coming back to my office, open the gates.

As Dan is returning to the security towers, Ant spots something on his monitors. He sees that something is wrong with Freddy's head.

Ant: Dude, something really bad it's going on with Freddy.

Dan: What bad could be going on with him man? You're kinda scaring me.

Ant: Freddy's head is looking really weird right now. Let me open the gates so you can go over there.

Dan: Yeah, please.


Dan: I don't know Ant.

Ant: You need to get there as fast as you can!

Dan: I'm going dude, I'm going!

Ant: Something's wrong I can feel it...

When Dan arrives at Freddy's area he sees...


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