Part 2 of Derek VS Yul

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Before you read, this is my first time writing a Wattpad story, and I don't know much about the platform and how it works! But i still hope you enjoy this story! Anyways:

This takes place after S1 & S2, and before all-stars!




*Yul, Derek, Grett, Trevor, and Jake stand around, while Yul and Derek get ready to fight eachother, Jake is on his phone sitting down, while Yul is in the corner of the area getting ready for the fight, as well as Derek, Grett is trying to be nice to Yul, while Yul just ignores her.  Trevor is purely annoyed at Derek, for multiple reasons, resulting in him just trying to get Derek out of there.*

Trevor, to Derek:  "Are you serious?  This is so stupid Derek..  If Krystal finds out your fighting one of the shows CONTESTANTS, you are FUCKING DEAD, WE WILL BOTH BE DEAD!!"

Derek:  "Trevor, relax, its just a small fight, why do you even care?  That dumbass will likely give up anyways!"

Trevor: "Oh my god..  You are a imbecile.."

Derek: "Is little Trevy scared that i'm making bad decisions~?"

Trevor: "YES."

Derek: "Pfft, it isn't that bad, i'm just having a small fight with Yul, it ain't that deep."

*Derek gets up, and walks over to a small circle Jake drew for the fight, as Derek notices Jake is eating popcorn as well, Yul walks over into the circle, stopping Derek from asking questions to Jake, (specifically about his strange enjoyment in seeings this).*

Yul: "Ready?"

Derek: "Ready as HELL!"

Jake: "Anyways, I dunno why I even chose to be here, but...  Here are the rules, whoever gives up first loses, or whoever is unable to do anything, AKA knocked out first, loses as well!  Nothing else cause I just wanna watch you two fight!"

Trevor: "..."

Jake: "3.. 2.. 1.. GO!!"

*Yul quickly jumps on Derek, trying to punch him, but Derek pushes Yul off, kicking him in the stomach in the process, Yul gasps for air, before Derek puts is hands around his neck.*


*Derek isn't gonna choke him, but is still literally on top of him holding him down, with his hands around his neck.*

Derek: "Buddy..  Give up you can't do shit right now."

*Yul tries to push Derek off him, but Derek tightens his grip, Yul knees him in the stomach, pushing Derek off him, as Yul punches Derek, making Derek punch him back as well..  Jake continues eating his popcorn as the two guys go back in forth hitting each other and tackling each other.*

Trevor: "I kinda wanna stop them..  This doesn't feel that right."

Jake: "I sorta agree, did Grett leave?"

Trevor: "Yup."

*Eventually Derek and Yul both just sorta stop fighting, since both are covered in bruises, but eventually, the first one to pass out is Yul.*

Derek: "Wheww..."

*Derek falls over as well, and Jake and Trevor both carry them into their cars, Trevor and Derek both drove there in the same car, so thats dealt with, but Jake has to shove Yul into his car, since Yul walked there.*

Jake: "Pretty sure Grett lives near here, so i'll just drop him off near her house, and Grett can deal with her boyfriend I guess-!"

Trevor: "I'll just rent a hotel for me and Derek, since usually we have to stay in them anyways.  We just left prison after all, and most of the time have to stay with Emily and Krystal..  Those two annoy me.."

Jake: "Well good for y'all!  Anyways, nice to see you!"

Trevor: "You too!  Bye!"

Jake: "See ya!"

*Trevor puts Derek in his car, and tiredly drives over to a nearby motel, to stay at with Derek until he wakes up, eventually he arrives and parks the car, gets a room there, and drags Dereks passed out body inside, and sets Derek on the couch.*

WELP- Thats the end of this chapter!  I have a small plan for part 3 of this..BUT.. I will take suggestions!

Thanks for reading!

703 words- :,)

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