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We started packing up putting all our things away and loading them up onto Appa. Momo was flying around landing on our head and snatching things we were trying to put away. "Momo give me my boomerang," Sokka was trying to bargain with him. A useless technique really for Momo was just as stubborn as he was.
"Hey can we come down now?" "No" we all yelled at the three men dangling from a branch above the river. "Momo no!" I hear zuko say. I turn around to say zuko snatch something back from Momo who was now rather upset and flew over to Appa. "What's that?" I say trying to see what zuko was shoving in his bag. "It's nothing just a keep sake," "I'm not buying it," I hear Sokka say.
We set out towards who knows where. "Ok we know that on the day of black sun no firebender will be able to, well, bend. So it's the perfect day to attack." Sokka says very excitedly  he's very eager to be leading an attack on the fire nation. "What do you think?" He turns to Zuko. I could see the cogs going in Zuko's head as he thought over the plan. "It's a very good plan, but also predictable. From what I remember from the last eclipse when I was a kid the nation goes into lockdown. Everyone hides and the fire lord is transported to a safe room underground. The rest are the family are placed somewhere different." "So they'd be prepared for attack," Sokka leans back you could tell he's taking in every possibility. "I'll have to update some of the plan."
We finally land in a harbour. It's a smallish island on the edge of the earth kingdom. It's neighbouring kyoshi island. "You guys set up camp once everything off Appa I'll go over to kyoshi island and ask suki for help," Sokka is very excited you can see it on his face. He obviously has a crush on suki no one could deny it. Though considering the fact his ex is the moon now it might be a bit awkward for the two of them.
"I can't wait to see suki again, it'll be good to spar with her," I say. "Yeah guess she seemed cool," Toph replied. I couldn't quite tell wether she was being honest but I'd like to think so. Zuko and Aang were lifting supplies off of Appa with much encouragement from Sokka. "We'd go faster if you helped." Aang was getting annoyed with the bickering.
Once all the supplies were off Appa, Sokka hopped on his back and set off to kyoshi island. It'll be around two hours before he returned, hopefully with suki. "Alright we have two hours to waste. So exploring?" I ask. "I'm up for that," Aang always loved exploring new places. "I'll stay here, island not that big already seen it all," Ofcourse toph has. "I'll stay back with toph incase Sokka comes back early," Zuko seemed rather calm, it's a bit strange honestly. "Ok just me and you Aang!"
We set off walking in a random direction Toph was right the island was rather small. It didn't take long before we popped out on the other side. The water looked beautiful with the sun hitting it perfectly. "How about some training," I suggest to Aang. Not only am I his friend but I'm also his teacher and I cannot pass up on this opportunity. We walk around knee deep into the water.
"Ok to me, to you," Aang says picking up a ball of water. We started playing catch with it as a warm up, doing goofy tricks in between throws to show off. I had a funny feeling. As if, someone was watching me. I glanced into the trees not really thinking. A blue face catches my eye. It was sitting in a tree a face of blue and white. It looked almost like a spirit the rest of its body was black and almost blended in with the shadows. I stop. Is this the blue spirit ,the ruthless bounty hunter? What's it doing here? How'd it even get here?
"Hey!" I turn to look at Aang who's now dripping wet. "Oops sorry I got distracted," I glacé back into the trees, it's gone. "You getting distracted by trees is new but not entirely surprising," "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Appa flys over our heads. "Looks like Sokka's back!" We set off back into the trees.

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