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"Katara!" He yelped running over to me. "Your ok! I was so worried we have to get out of here Azulas in charge of the Dai-Lee. Sokka, Momo, appa and toph are all outside we got to go!" He says in a rush. He grabs my hand and we start running up the tunnel. "Wait!" I say "Lee come with us!" "Lee?" Aang asks clearly he didn't notice the boy stood in the corner of the cavern. "Oh hi sorry didn't see you there. Do you wanna come with us" "better then staying here and having to face azula again," Lee said jogging to catch up with us. We ran through the tunnel popping out in another cavern it was dimly lit by crystals and had a pool of running water in the corner. There stood in the middle of the room was azula and multiple dia-Lee agents.
"Going somewhere?" She said and blast a large fire ball in our direction. I quickly use the nearby water to put it out just as it was about to hit aang. Multiple Dia-Lee agents ran at us and we started fighting. I was using the water from the pool. Aang was engaged with Azula using all his bending styles to block her attacks. Lee was using a sword he stole of a dia-Lee and was attacking five of them at once. He was surprisingly good and seemed to have the upper head.
"Argh! " Aang had managed to push azula against the wall with a large gust of wind. Lee appeared to have finished up with the agents he was fightsing and was running up to aangs side. I froze the dia-Lee I was fighting to the wall and ran over to join Lee and aang. "Well it appears once again I've failed to capture the avatar and his stupid friends. Though brother I didn't expect you of all people to join their side." Wait BROTHER. I whipped my head to look at Lee. He was glaring at azula his face full of range. No way this kid seemed to nice to be related to the evil genius azula. "Oooh you didn't tell them" "shut up!" Lee (if that's even his name) yelled "I am not related to you! I have nothing to do with you I left that life behind three years ago."
"Yeah that and the ability to see through your left eye." Lee looked absolutely enraged and was clearly about attack her when he stopped. He along with me and aang had realised that's exactly what azula wants. Him to attack.
"You're pathetic zuzu, truly pathetic" azula spat. Lee turned around and started walking away angrily towards the tunnel leading out. Aang turned to azula. "You are the only pathetic one here. Chasing me around trying to capture me honestly get a life" then me and aang finally turned to walk away. There was a bright flash of white light and a boom. I whipped around see that azulas was now sat on the floor as if she was just knocked over. The patch of ground just in front of her was smoking as if struck with lightning. Lee was stood between her and aang in a fighting stance. Aang looked the most shocked I think I'd ever seen him.
The ground around us started shacking and rocks were falling from the ceiling. "Cave in!" Aang yelled before bolting towards the tunnel out me and Lee ran just behind him. We finally made it to the exit in the brink of time. My mind was racing. The amount of information revealed in the past 30 seconds was a lot to handle.

________________________________-part two posted YAY!
How you're enjoying it so far feel free to send and tips I always wanna try improve my writing!
Thank you!

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