Chapter 21 Kidnapped

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Do you guys want anything? My treat." It doesn't take long to take their orders and head out to the nearest restaurant.

"Help!" I hear an animal yelp from the nearest alleyway. "Help me! Somebody!" I look in and see a milk crate overturned on top of a cat with a broken tool box on top of it.

"Oh you poor thing." I run in and lift the tool box and crate off of it. It runs off without a word. Suddenly a glass ball breaks at my feet and everything goes dark.

I'm incredibly uncomfortable. My hand and ankles are tied or taped I'm not sure. I'm gagged, too. Fan-fucking-tastic. So what's this now? I suppose it's too much to hope for that I'm being ransomed. I wonder how much they think I'm worth.

Much to my surprise I manage to fall asleep in what must be the trunk of a car. It's night time by the time the trunk opens. I'm in a garage and a gorgeous young man with black hair and empty green eyes lifts me out of the trunk.

"Gods, close the garage door first." A woman in the car snaps, and i hear the garage door close.

"There's no one here. I've done this before. I think you hit her too hard." The man says. "She's not even fighting."

"I didn't hit her I gassed her. Maybe she's just smart."

"Maybe." But the man sounds doubtful.

I'm carried downstairs into a furnished basement turned into a man's cave. He takes me behind the bar and opens a small trap door that leads to a super secret compact dirt room with glass walls and ceiling. It's the size of a small den. I'm put down on a day bed. My feet are untied then tied to the wall. I should fight. Why aren't I fighting? My arms are freed and handcuffed to the headboard. The gag stays on.

"That's it. Don't struggle and everything will be fine." He strokes my hair. But I can see his face so I know that's not true. He takes a pocket knife out and starts to cut through my pant legs. When those comeoff he cuts through my shirt as well, then my underclothes. Oh god...

He takes out a large diaper and puts it on me before fondling my breast.

"I'm sorry but I can't tend to your needs right now. I told my wife I'd be gentle but she wants to take no chances. Of course I only get it from her once a month. But that's fine. She lets me find a girl and bring her home every now and then. I get a few good years out of them. I'll get a few good years out of you too when the time comes. You'll get used to it." he reaches out and undoes my gag.

"I'm a donor." I force myself to speak steadily, though I can't keep the fear from my voice.

"I know." he's completely unimpressed. "So am I."

"And I'm pregnant with an incubus child."

"I know. That's why we wanted you." he pinches my cheek. "God you look good lying there all helpless and naked. You're gettinga little poochy but I like that." He pats my lower abdomen. "Fuck." Much to my dismay he unzips his pants and takes care of his own needs. I close my eyes but my breasts are left a disgusting mess that he doesn't bother to clean off. "You get some rest now."

"Like this?" I tug at my hands.

"Figure it out. They all do." The light turns off and I'm left in the pitch black room. Why didn't I fight?"

I only ever see the man. He feeds me, changes my diaper washes me daily as he can't stand a dirty girl. He has to mess up a clean one.

Is this my punishment for being too free with myself? For letting Doug spoil me? He spoiled me and I loved it and I still slept with another man. Everyone says that's not okay. Could they be right? Everyone said I was a slut, maybe they were right. Why else would this be happening to me?

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