Chapter 15 Not a Great Start

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"You told her what?" Jake looks at me oddly.

"That you had a weird obsession with bats and a new one was found and so there's going to be an expedition to the jungle and I'm going to go, too."

"You couldn't have just said we were going camping?"

"Huh, I didn't think of that. Oh, well." I shrug.

"Do you have all your new clothes?" Doug asks, looking at my also new backpack.

"I have enough. I don't need an evening dress in the wilderness."I shake my head.

"You never know." Doug says seriously, "Pack it." He sounds so stern.

"Okay! Okay."

"They live by the old rules in the deepest parts of the faewylde. Especially those that live in the barrows.


"No. Not cool. We want to avoid them." he informs me. "There are also dragons. We want to avoid them, too."

"But I could see one? Maybe?"

"In the sky maybe. From a distance. I'll take you to the natural history museum one day. They have a taxidermied one on display."

"Alright, that sounds nice."

"We'll be going together until the Dustleaf School of Fire Magic. Then separate." Doug tells me again.

"I know, I know."I sigh as Doug goes to the guest room and gets the dress. There's a knock on the door.

"I have it." Alex reproaches us as Doug and I move to get it. "It's the adventuring party." He announces, opening the door after checking the video screen.

"Hello."I greet them with a wave.

They're a weathered bunch. One tall with striped tusks and a snout, an elf with a bow and a dwarf with a sword instead of a battle axe like I'd expect. He has a big shield on his back. They're all in studded leather so leather was definitely a good choice. They ignore me.

"This is Boarish," The dwarf motions to the tall one, " Lily Fairleaf, and I'm Nickleson. Venix our wizard is getting the rest of the supplies ready at Starlight so we'll be ready to head out in the morning. It'll be easy going until the school but even then it's not a pleasure trip." Now they look at me. I suppose I don't look like the usual adventuring type. I'd be surprised if I even looked like the camping type.

"I'm Mr. Maller's translator and Mr. Hargroves food supply. I kind of have to come. I'm sorry if it inconveniences you." I apologize.

"Incon..." Nickelson turns red.

"We don't want anyone to die, sweetie." The elf, Lily, puts a hand on the dwarf's shoulder.


"I'll take care of the Mallers and Ms. Masters." Alex half growls. "You just worry about leading the way."

"Shall we go then?" Lily asks.

"No. Jake's not ready." Alex states firmly.

"Yes. I am." The naked duck replies.

"No, you're not," Alex doesn't smile thankfully for Jake's dignity. "You need protection. I don't care if you're a duck you are going to wear protective gear." Jake bristles a little at this. "It's that or the cage."


"He says fine."

"It's not so bad." I reassure him as we ride in the back seat of their Brownstone Packmule. Doug is sitting with his arm around me while Jake is in my lap which seems to be his favorite place to be. "You'd be wearing armor as a human." Jake doesn't say anything but Doug snorts back a little laughter. "Ignore him. You look adorable." I bend over to kiss his little head. "He's just jealous. That's why he's laughing."

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