Chapter 14 Expedition Planning

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"I said I was sorry." I apologize for the umpteenth time, but Jake refuses to speak to me or come out of his closet.

"Just let him sulk. Besides it wasn't your fault." Doug tugs at my skirt. I sigh and back out of the closet getting to my feet again.

"Your kiss is in the papers." Jake finally speaks.

"Really? I guess they did get a good shot, huh, Dougie?" I kiss his cheek.

"Firstly I don't think that's the kiss he means and secondly, please don't call me Dougie." Doug winces at the name.

"Oh. Oh no." I cover my face with my hands.

"There's a whole article in the society section. There's been nothing but articles in the society and business sections about this and my predicament in general." Jake says dejectedly.

"I'm so sorry."

"No. It's okay." Jake gives a sigh and finally leaves the closet. "It's not really your fault. I dressed you too well and you can't help being cute."Jake gives a sigh.

"Good news." Bradley enters the penthouse. "We found a map."

"A map?"I exit the bedroom with Doug. "To what?"

"To an enchanted wellspring deep in the faewylde. If this won't cure you nothing will." Bradley grins as Jake come out , too.

"So you can send some adventurers to get some of the water?" I ask. "Doug just gives me a weak smile. "What?"

"It doesn't work that way." Jake shakes his head.

"No, it um, you have to bathe in the well spring yourself." Bradley informs me. "You can't farm it off on someone else. Jake's going to have to go and I'm going to have to go with him. If only to translate. "He doesn't look too thrilled.

"Actually," Alex speaks up. "We'll need Jenny instead."


"It'll take at least a week both ways." he informs us looking over Bradley's shoulder.

"I was thinking I'd be going." Bradley says. "Seeing as I'm Mr. Maller's assistant and more expendable."

"You're not expendable." Jake corrects his harshly.

"And I still need to eat." Alex reminds us. "It's better to keep down the number of civilians and she's a translator and food in one."

"Well, I, uh, I don't mind taking one for the team." Bradley looks down at the map.

"I mind." Alex says flatly. "Jenny I can pay you 50,000 guilders hazard pay and provide vitality potions as it's not only a bad place to have to recover, but it'll be likely, I'll have ot feed more than usual."

"Wow. Hell yes." I blink. "Isn't that a bit much though?"

"For a trip to hte faewylde? No." Bradley doesn't sound pleased, though.

"I can bill it as a business expense." he shrugs meaning Jake will be paying for it. I love that he says that right in front of him.

"I don't want Jenny going, it's too dangerous." Jake says firmly.

"Exactly, I'll go." Doug says and is promptly ignored.

"Jenny's the only one who's more of an asset than a liability. As both a donor and a translator. If anyone should stay home it's Jacob, but he has to go. Douglas is completely out the Question." Alex gives Doug a stern look, arms crossed.

"Even if Telulah comes with me?" Doug asks.

"Even then."

"Even if I can do this?" He opens his palm and a flame lights up hovering an inch above it.

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