Chapter 18 It Was The Worst Of Luck It Was The Best Of Luck

Start from the beginning

"Or hair on fire?" I straighten my wig.


"Where do these curses keep coming from? Do you have a recommendation for removal?"

"I'll write you a prescription for some effective bath oils." She takes out a pad. "Do not use any injected remedies or curse breakers for the length of the pregnancy, especially not from a church of light." She scribbles something down. I can't believe she's not using a computer. The Crossroads is a little backwards technology wise I guess. Let's hope they're not medicinally.

"I don't suppose there's a preventative for homespun curses."

"You'll have to get a ward for that. I'm not too familiar with those, but the pharmacist should be able to recommend something. Ask for a neutral ward. It'll be over the counter for this level of spell."

"Okay. Thank you." I take the script.

"Have a good day, Ms. Masters."

"Hello." I say cheerily when the door opens for me. It's Bradley thank god. "I'm not sick."

"Oh, good." he gives a sigh of relief and lets me in.

"Hello, Ms. Masters." Ms. Wellington greets me with uncharacteristic cheer. "Will you be staying for dinner?"

"Probably. If that's alright with you." I look at her suspiciously.

"I would love it. There's only so much you can do with fish and water grasses." Aha, so that's what's up with her. She just wants to cook for somebody. Bradley takes his lunch breaks out. "He loves bread but I"m not supposed to give it to him. He'd munch all day besides and I don't want him to get fat. What if he transmutes back with the extra weight? Proportionally. Or an enlarged liver." She shakes her head.

"Why don't you make him some biscuits out of oat flour or some oatmeal cookies made with artificial sweetener as a treat?" I ask.

"Artificial?" She looks at me suspiciously.

"I'll bring some splenda. It's sugar altered so your body can still taste it but doesn't absorb it. Or maybe stevia, that's from a plant. Oh but splenda tastes better. Stevia can be a little bitter. It's to make treats more healthy." I offer.

"I generally give him sweet peas for dessert, but that would be nice to try." She nods. "You look a little tired. I'll get you some ice water." Ms. Wellington heads back to the kitchen. "Have you had lunch yet, dear?"

"No. not yet."

"I'll whip you up a little something. I never get to make lunch. Mr. Maller only nibbles and when he was a human only ate two meals here, one of which cannot be properly called lunch. Of course he got most of his food eating out for dinner." She sounds a little irritated at this.

"I'm sure he doesn't want to overwork you." I say. "If he eats late and with freinds."

"Hmph." She heads to the kitchen without another word.

"They don't bring people back to the penthouse." Bradley says carelessly. "Stress!"


"Maybe it's stress. The sleeping. You've been through alot these past couple of months. It has to be affecting you somehow. A week at the cottage will do you good. It's beautiful out there."

"Oh, you've been?"

"Once or twice. He doesn't do much if any work on vacations but he still does need someone to run errands for him. Otherwise it's a free vacation for me and sometimes my wife."

"Your wife?" I blink at the news. "I thought you... I mean you offered to take one for the team?"

"Okay so I have a little crush on Hargrove, but that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to women."

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