Chapter 14 Expedition Planning

Start from the beginning

"Eeee! That is so cool!" I clap my hands excitedly.

"What... what the hell, Doug!" Jake exclaims.

"I figured that since my mana veins are small a little self study wouldn't be too dangerous. I did it in the pool just to be safe." He explains.

"Can I touch it?" I ask.

"What? No. It's fine." he looks at me like I'm an idiot, which I probably am.

"Especially not if you can do that." Alex scolds him. "The last thing we need is a newborn firebug in an old forest. What were you thinking, opening your veins now? And without guidance!"

"That maybe I could protect Jenny next time. And that she'd think it was cool." He reluctantly confesses, looking down as he twiddles his finger like the most adorable naughty boy ever.

"I do. I really do." I assure him.

"Bradley..." Jake turns to his assistant.

"On it, Mr. Maller."

"You are not going to that one." Jake snaps.

"Oh yes I am, it's the best." Doug crosses his arms. "You always insist on the best."

"The point is keeping you out of the faewylde. This is smack dab in the middle of it." Jake quacks.

"It promises absolute control within six weeks." Doug points out. I just sit on the couch feeling tired of the argument already.

"It's too dangerous."

"Everything is dangerous. Just being a Maller is dangerous. I'd spend my life in a panic room if I tried to avoid everything dangerous."

"I understand that, but can you not run head first to the most dangerous option? What if something happens to you? Aside from Lorelai you're all I have." Doug doesn't have anything to say to this, or so I thought.

"I love you, too, Jake, but you can't keep me a hundred percent safe and you can't tell me what to do anymore. Not only am I twenty three years old, but I have my own income. Hush, you." He points to me when I laugh. "You've got to let me live my own life, Jake."

"Fine but I'm getting you two new body guards proficient in water magic while you're there, just in case." Jake says after a minute. "No arguments."

"Okay. Keep Telulah on Jenny, though."

"I can't they're not allowing another nonhuman passing person across the bridge to earth. But I'll send someone to take are of her while you're gone." he promises.

"Wait... Are you assigning me a bodyguard?" I frown lifting my head off my hand.

"Of course." They both say at once.

"You're dating Doug. It's better to be safe than sorry." Jake points out.

"I don't have room for a bodyguard." I protest.

"I'll find another incubi. They don't sleep. We'll find one you won't mind providing for in an emergency."

"Absolutely not. I don't have so many donors that I can afford to share mine." Alex shakes his head.

"What about a dhampir?" Doug suggest. "They don't sleep and we can get a female one she won't mind feeding in an emergency."

"Don't just offer up my bodily fluids!" I exclaim, punching his hip, which is all I can reach from here. "I'm your girlfreind not your personal property. And isn't donating blood kind of sexual too?"

"Hmmm." The brother's eyes kind of lose focus for a second. I take a coaster and throw it at Jake.

"What did I do?" he protests.

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