Security: Time to move.

Yulmu: Wait a minute. I'm talking to my girlfriend right now.]

[Today was totally my first-ever fan signing event. I was stuttering because DASE looked so much more amazing in real life, but Jihan talked to me even more diligentlyㅠㅠ]

[Seocho fan signing #DASE real-life review

Minsung: His beauty was like a hundred fluorescent lights turned on at once. Prince-like appearance. Amazing skin. Totally a white rabbit with pure round eyes.

Jihan: The epitome of decadent sexy. Looks like a cat raised in a rich household.

Yulmu: Like a sports god straight out of a webtoon. Insane build and healthy bronze skin. A walking sculpture.

Baekya: Super pale. Even more slim and with more intricate features than on screen, truly looks like a doll. His face holds the cuteness of a peach, a hamsters, and a Maltese, and his default expression makes him look slightly confused, giving him an adorable vibe.

Chung: An elf. He's just another species. His jawline is a work of art, seriously sharp-featured. Standing in front of him, you're lost for words.

Yuyeon: A god. Simply divine. There's an aura. Can't see anything but his face. I understand why he's the center. Slightly decadent deer vibe when expressionless. Great physique.]

[Asked Chung if I could call him "oppa," and he was like, "(Shocked) Dad? Do I look old to you?" Thus, my fan signing review was ruined...]

//TN: "Oppa" can sound like "appa" which means "dad" in Korean

[Fans must have requested a lot of drawings because when I asked Baekya to draw a heart, he offered to draw lots of them firstㅠㅠㅠ He drew more than 10 heartsㅠㅠ So cute, I'm dying]

[Me: Yulmu, were your eyes crafted from stars? They twinkle so.

Yulmu: Because you're in them, nuna~

It's academically accepted that Yulmu is on his second idol life. No counterarguments accepted.]

[Seems like everyone who went to the fan signing got to high-five Yulmu. His hand is huuuge!!! Seriously, no joke, my fingers are twice smaller than his.]

[I brought about 10 toy rings sold in front of elementary schools and put them on the members' fingers, and Jihan seriously asked if I was the sellerㅋㅋㅋ]

[Asked the kids if they knew their initial sales exceeded 330k, and they said the company informed them. They were so thankful, and in the end, they all bowed 90 degrees before leaving.]

"I'm sooo jealous."

There were a few posts that seemed fabricated, but overall, she was envious. Since it was their first fan signing, some members took fans' jokes literally, while others, as if they were seasoned idols, skillfully played along or even countered the jokes. Baekya and Jihan were among the former, and somehow, them sitting together amplified the effect...

"I must attend the next fan signing by any means necessary!"

Boksoong made a firm resolution. Among the fan signing posts, previews posted by fansites were also mixed in. From Yuyeon and Baekya's twin fansite <DearPeach>, there was a two-shot of Yuyeon placing a peach on Baekya's head.

From Minsung's fansite <DoRabbit>, there was a picture of him wearing a flower crown and smiling.

From Jihan's fansite <Hanji>, there was a preview of him wearing a cat ear headband and slightly licking his lower lip.

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