I proudly winked at him

"You go girl!" Sang Bella

Hazel:1 Jordan:0


We arrived at the bright festival and joined the long line

"Ahhh I can hear the loud music!" Yelled Bella

Jacob and Bella started to sing along to the bursting music

So many different people were around us, cool colourful hairstyles, trendy clothing, weird unique clothing.

There was so many grown men wearing dresses and heels, some looked even better than girls.

A blonde boy was standing in front of us on his phone, from his girly body language id assume he's gay

"No!" Gasped Jacob "Drew!"

The boy in front turned around in delight to see Jacob

"Jacob, happy pride day!" He said delving into Jacob to give him a hug "I haven't seen you in months!

He leaned closer towards Jacob "Are you still Bisexual?"

"Human sexual, but yeah." said Jacob, his deep dimples digging into his face

"Well then lets partay!" Sang drew "Who are your friends?" He asked, analysing us

"Hazel, Bella and-" Began Jacob

Drew leaned towards Jordan, grabbing his muscly arms. Jordan turned away clearly feeling awkward.

I giggled, knowing that it would frustrate Jordan even more

"Jordan." smiled Jacob

"Groovy." winked Drew

We entered the lively festival and sat in a circle on the grass, nothing was due to happen in at least 40 minutes

"Im gonna grab hotdogs, who wants to come?" Asked Jacob

"Me!" Jumped up Bella

Jordan slowly stood up "Im coming." He said

He was probably leaving to escape Drew's sexual glares

I was left with Drew

"Bella, your so pretty!" Said Drew looking at me up and down

"Im Hazel, but thanks." I said, tucking a curl behind my ear

"Oh sorry Hazel, my eyes have been stuck on Jordan." He laughed

My eyes brightened, I immediately smelt an opportunity. Im going to lie to him and say that Jordan's gay so Drew will continue to flirt with him and make Jordan confused and uncomfortable. Mwahaha.

I smiled deviously "Jordan's caught your eye has he?" I asked

Drew licked his lips "His tanned, defined muscles make me want to eat him up and his face, the jawline and everything about his face, especially his soothing brown eyes and his loosely curled hair, like yours but his gracefully falls down on his forehead making him look mannishly stunning. He voice it sexy, but soft. And his wide smile makes me wonder why Ive ever told some they have a nice smile, because it doesn't compare to his jolly grin. And he looks like he should be a Calvin Clein model. The only thing is, why does he continuously look uncomfortable?" Rambled Drew

Erm, maybe he looks uncomfortable because a boy is staring at him, when he's not gay.

"Oh he just looks uncomfortable because he has just come out the closet and isn't used boy attention yet, he's just in shock!" I lied

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