Chapter 15 - Final Chapter

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Five years later…

“Havok! Careful!” Echo yelled, watching the eleven year old flip from branch to branch, Omega grinned at her brother who was naturally more agile than the rest of them. She was now thirteen and was excellent with a bow. 

“Relax, Paps, he ain’t going to fall with Father watching him” Omega teased, gesturing at Hunter who eyed up their son in the trees above them. Wrecker smirked, helping Tech with their stock intake, they had taken a break from the facility and decided to go exploring, Rex wanted them to do a stock run and they took it to get out and about. Plus it gave the batch time to teach the kids some survival training. 

“HAVOK!” Hunter’s yell had them all turning to the sergeant who raced up the tree to see Havok had stumbled and was holding his head in agony. Omega went to follow when she dropped to her knees in pain. 

“OMEGA!” Echo’s yell drowned out Hunter who scooped up their son and made his way down towards the Marauder where Tech got out the medical scanner but soon had to grab his gun as a ship landed beside them. 

“Sarge, we have company” 

“I can see that Wreck, get ready in case it is…” Hunter felt the breath was taken from him as it was who stepped out of the ship which had them all freezing even Tech was caught off guard which was a rare case. 

“C-r-o-s-s-h-a-i-r-?” Wrecker stuttered, his eyes roaming over the missing sniper's body. Crosshair was in his original armour, his eyes stuck in permanent lilac, a toothpick in between his lips while his hands remained crossed over his chest. 

‘Don’t waste your words Wreck, besides you won’t be needing them’ Crosshair signed out through his hands. Tech gulped before he sprinted over and was the first to yank the marksman into his arms, Crosshair smiled feeling Tech hold him close. He was shortly followed by Wrecker who wrapped the two of them up, Crosshair felt the sobs as he rubbed their backs and faces. Hunter and Echo put down their children before the two joined in the hug, Crosshair smiled as he relaxed feeling the pulses of the donated souls amongst the ones he loved pulse back, they were finally back together whether platonically or romantically. He didn’t care. 

Two identical groans turned attention to Omega and Havok who exited the ship wondering what was going on when all four of their dads pulled back revealing someone they had both missed. 

“MOTHER!” and “MAMA!” were the happy shouts as Omega and Havok slammed into the chest of Crosshair who held them tightly, their sobs had Crosshair allowing his own tears to slip down his vision. He glanced at the ones he loved as he felt four loving lips on his head, he smiled pulling his children closer to feel his heartbeat.

Hours later…

After a few hours of crying and emotional explosions, Crosshair found himself to be the only one awake. Both his children and the four who he soon realised weren’t his lovers but instead were his partners, were asleep. He found himself unable to watch his family anymore, instead he went for a walk under the stars on the beautiful planet they resided on. He left a trail knowing someone was bound to wake up. His feet took him on their own journey, all the way to a breathless view of peace, he smiled blinking a few times as he felt the powers at his fingertips. 

He carefully lifted his hand and allowed a small orb of pure power to leave it, he watched the small bubble leap into the atmosphere before it joined the stars. 

“Thank you” his soft whisper was heard by one individual who gave him the ability to talk again.

“You are welcome Caspian, now go, my grandson. Explore this world, use my last gift to your heart's content” 

Tale of The Shadow - Complete! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora