Chapter 4

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The sound of an engine turned attention to a nearby door, in walked a hooded individual with several imperial troopers. 

"No, it can't be…" Rex wore a look of shock seeing none other than the emperor walk into the room. His grin described it all. 

"Mother! Father! He's gone!" Darlita exclaimed, running into the room with fear in her eyes. 

"You have failed me" 

Sorson gasped when she was lifted off her feet and the emperor choked her. 

"Mother!" Darlita cried out only for her body to be slammed across the room. Rex winced watching the way she fell. 

"No…you said…if your son returned…if we returned him, you would leave us alone and return…what you stole from us" Sorson gasped out.

"I know what I said but last I checked you didn't inform me where he was?! You knew where he was and yet you only informed me when he had the chance to grow up and…" 

A screeching of a blade against glass had Palpatine turning away and Sorson's eyes going wide as the surrounding area soon went pitch black. 

"What's this!?" Palpatine demanded, only for the lights to flicker on and his body to go flying across the room. The troopers immediately aimed for the doorway where smoke emerged, the batch and Rex watched on with nothing but shock. 

A solid bullet flew around the room killing all six troopers who fell in a clutter. Palpatine gasped, he was about to call for reinforcements when Darlita cried out as her body landed by her mother's. Sorson scrambled to hold her daughter as Palpatine dropped her, his full attention on a figure who walked with slow footsteps into the room. 


"Hello father" the cold viper tone had the batch recognising it, they saw the one they loved. Crosshair except he looked different. His armour was a darker colour, his eyes glowed a violet, his firepuncher was across his back while on his hip was what looked like a blade.

"You will die by my hand and then I will take the pure one and take over this universe!" Palpatine wickedly laughed as he stepped forward, he lifted a hand intending on dealing with his son but soon found himself growling when he couldn't grasp him.

"Struggling?" Crosshair sniped, his words like ice. His eyes scanned the room only to land on the batch and Rex, all of them were safe for now. 

Palpatine glared turning to his daughter, "if you pledge your allegiance to me, I will not kill you or your mother and return what is stolen from you but in return you must help me kill your brother". 

Darlita nodded, she stood up and removed something off her belt revealing a crystallised sword. Something she had since birth, Crosshair frowned, his expression impassive as he watched his sister circle him as did his mother who looked apologetic at him. With a sigh, he braced himself knowing he would be going against three opponents not one. Quickly, his eyes caught those above and he nodded.

"I'm sorry my son but this is how it has to be, you know why" Sorson said without realising the pain had passed.

"We had no other choice," Darlita said with a smile. Crosshair nodded, he understood, they had been on the planet too long which meant they were losing their own will to live. They were ready for it all to end, for the place they stood did not exist, it was one of the reasons the two wanted to meet him one last time. 

"Crosshair!" Tech's yell caught full attention, the marksman had kneeled down in the middle of the room. His mother and sister looked utterly confused while Palpatine just laughed. 

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