Chapter Five. He Makes Me Blink

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Emily's POV:

 The hallway was quiet. Completely, utterly quiet. 

 "W-What?" Stephanie asked, breaking the silence. She was still smiling at him, but her eyebrows were scrunched up. It reminded me of the day in the library, when he had turned her down. 

 Terrence ignored her, and instead walked towards me. 

 My eyes widened as he grabbed my arm, "What the actual fu-"

 "You're dating- you're going out with- why her?" Stephanie stuttered, her face red now. 

 "Non of your business," Terrence answered swiftly, and he dragged me out of school. As we walked towards the door, however, I could hear faint whispers back in the hallways. This would be big news tomorrow... 

 'Not just big news, but good news, too,' I thought. 

 This was great for me. As long as Stephanie thought Terrence Kingsley and I were together, she wouldn't bother me; at least, lesser than before, since she needed to have a nice impression on him... I could spend my last three months here with perfect ease. 

 Terrence let go of my arm as soon as we walked out of the door. 

 "Um, thanks," I said, rubbing the place he grabbed me. That boy had a strong grip. 

 "No problem," he answered. 

 We stood in an awkward silence for a minute. 

 My heart was pounding. I wanted to know how we were going to play this whole fake-relationship. Would he be picking me up everyday, and take me to his friend's parties? Maybe he'd thought it through? Planning to ask him, I cleared my throat. 

 "So how are we going to do thi-" 

 "I'm breaking up with you," Terrence interrupted me, all of a sudden. 

 I blinked. 

 He said it so boldly, with so much sureness that, for a moment, I forgot everything. 

 "O-Okay," I squeaked. 

 "Bye," And with that, he walked away from me, down the stairs of the school entrance, and to the parking lot. 

 What the hell just happened?

 I was asking him how we were going to put on this act... then he ended it... ended us... and we weren't even together... I never asked him to help him, in the first place... 

 My eyes widened when I finally gathered everything. 

 "What the fucking hell?" I fumed loudly, as I rushed down the stairs myself. 

 After a lot of running and tripping on my own feet, I finally caught up with Terrence Kingsley, who was walking leisurely over to his car. 

 "You c-can't just-t break up with me like that!" I exclaimed, panting while I kept jogging to match his pace. 

Dam, he had long legs.  

 "I can't?" Terrence frowned (or at least, that was what he seemed to be doing-I couldn't see his eyes due to his hair), but he was still looking ahead. In a distance, it would have seemed that he wasn't acknowledging me at all. 

 "Um, yes." 

 "Sorry, then," He said shortly, then walked more quickly to his car. 

 I swore under my breath as I started running again to catch up with him. 

 He got to his car before I could say anything else to him. Still panting, I knocked on his window, twice. 

 The window opened, showing a very annoyed Terrence Kingsley. 

 He sighed, "What do you want, Emilia?" 

 "Emily," I corrected, then answered, "I need you to go out with me." 

 It was a weird request, but he didn't even blink an eye. 

 "Why should I?" 

 "Why should you?" I exclaimed, incredulously, "Didn't you see what Stephanie did to me? You already said you're my boyfriend, and they'll tease me more if word gets around tomorrow that you broke up with me all of a sudden." 

 "And you think I care?" 

 His words hit me like a brick, "Why did you help me, if you don't care?" 

 "I didn't know you were going to ask for more help!" Terrence retorted, "Can't you just thank me and go away?" 

 No, I couldn't. 

 "Look, I reasoned calmly, "I didn't ask you to help me, but you did anyway by saying that I was your girlfriend. In a way, you started all of this, and well, you have to finish what you started." 

 "I did. I just ended it with you."

 "Yeah, but the story doesn't fit. I mean, c'mon, do you really think everyone will believe the story that you broke up with me right after you defended me from her?" 

 "I don't care it they don't believe-" 

 "I do. So please can you tolerate me for just a few weeks?" I pleaded. I was desperate. I mean, how could I not be, when I had just found the possibly only loophole from Stephanie's teasing? 

 We did a silent staring contest, and I think I won. 

 "Fine," Terrence Kingsley sighed as he griped the steering wheel tighter. 

 "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I repeated joyfully. I would have given him a hug, too, but fortunately, he was in his car, and it saved me from the embarrassment. 

 "Until when?" He asked, his voice void of emotion even as he watched me do my victory dance. 

 "Um..." My eyes widened as a brilliant idea appeared in my head, "Can it be until the Valentine's Day Dance?" 

 Terrence raised his eyebrows, "That's three months."

 "Two and a half months," I corrected, and added quickly, "Please." 

 I was sure he wasn't going to agree to this nonsense. Hell, if some boy I'd just helped demanded the same thing to me, I would have never agreed. 

 But Terrence Kingsley surprised me once again. 

 "Okay, until before the dance," he said. 

 I blinked. 

 "Really?" a smile started appearing on my face, and a moment later, I found myself grinning hugely. 

 Terrence shrugged, "Yeah. Sure. Whatever." 

 I seriously could have kissed him right on the spot. 

 "I can't thank you eno-" I started, but Terrence interrupted me. 

 "Just promise me that you're doing this because of Stephanie, and only Stephanie," he said. 

 "What kind of promise is that?" 

 He sighed, "Just promise me, Emelia." 

 I nodded. It was an easy promise. 

 After exchanging phone numbers, he drove out of the school without a single goodbye, leaving me and my excited thoughts behind. 

Not exactly my best work, but I'm working on it! 

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