Chapter Two. Opposites Attract... Or Not

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So... this is the second chapter, enjoy! 

Emily's POV:

 "Isn't he just so hot?" Wendy sighed to herself as she watched her crush, Jason Rodriguez talking with his friends. 

 I rolled my eyes, "Did you know that you've said it five times already?"

 It was lunch. We were sitting in the edge of the cafeteria, next to the bin where you dumped all of your uneaten food. It wasn't a good place to have lunch, but we didn't exactly have a lot of options. 

 So far today had been great. I had gotten an A plus in my biology essay from last week, managed to be one of the last ones to survive in dodgeball, and avoid the stupid-popular group that constantly teased me. 

 "Yeah, well, it's the truth! I mean, he is hot." Wendy said sheepishly, as she glanced at Jason every five seconds. 

 I bit the inside of my mouth. Jason Rodriguez was one of the popular kids. Everyone said he was really good looking, which was something I couldn't agree on. I mean, he was decent, but in my opinion, it wasn't enough to follow him down the hallways, talk about him when he wasn't listening, and constantly ask his number. Seriously, didn't anyone have any dignity these days? 

 Besides, he seemed too serious to me. He was one of those people that seemed like a hero in a book, too noble to do anything. 

 Of course, I never said any of this to Wendy, as she was head over heals for him, and was likely to bite my head off if I did. 

 Wait, screw that. The whole student body would line up just to kill me. Jason was one of the 'treasures' of our school. 

 Yeah, he was supposedly that hot. 

 Wendy dropped her peanut-butter sandwich on the table, "Oh gods, he's looking at me!"

 "No, Wendy. He's looking at the soccer tryout poster for the summer right behind you."

 "Sheesh, Emily, can't a girl dream?"

 Wendy and I were very different, from looks to personalities. She was childish and stubborn most of the time, getting herself in trouble often by acting impulsively. She was also a hopeless romantic like me (come to think of it, it was probably the only thing she and I had in common). As if her strong personality wasn't enough, Wendy had a feature that stood out in a crowd. Her short, caramel brown hair that had green strikes in the end came to the middle of her neck, her green glasses matching the strikes (obviously she liked the color green). Behind those glasses were the most beautiful pair of grey eyes. For some reason, however, Wendy insisted on wearing those glasses.  

 I, on the other hand, was a girl that never really talked to anyone unless someone talked to me first. I wasn't necessarily shy; I just didn't find the need to, when I was happy with my current state. 

'Besides', I thought, 'in a couple of months, I won't be needing any friends'. 

 So anyway, though different, Wendy and I were best friends since preschool, being so inseparable that even our families were close. She was everything I wasn't, and I appreciated her presence. 

 I guess opposites were attracted to each other. 

 Speaking of opposites... 

 I turned my head to the popular table, where Jason Rodriguez and his friends ate lunch. I searched for a particular boy, who I also considered as my opposite; an opposite that I wasn't exactly attracted to. 

 My eyes landed on him, who was sitting next to Jason. 

 Terrence Kingsley. The 'hottest' guy in our high school, but also inarguably the quietest. 

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