Chapter Four. My 'Boyfriend', Apparently

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The fourth chapter, enjoy! 

Emily's POV:

 "Remember to do your homework!," Yelled Mrs. Roberts, our history teacher. It was the last class of the day; everyone was all hyped up that I was sure nobody heard her. 

 I quickly gathered all my books and exited the classroom. 


 I sighed happily as I put all of my textbooks in the locker and started packing. School had ended, and most of the kids had already left, the hallways almost empty. 

 I was going to the bookstore, as Mr. Wilson's lecture on Shakespeare had left me wondering about his books. I'd never read Shakespeare, other than Romeo and Juliet. Besides, I had to help Miss Harrison today. 

 Wendy, who occasionally accompanied me on my trip there, wasn't coming today. She had to go to her grandmother's house to help her with the gardening. In fact, she had just texted me that she had already taken off; which meant I had to walk all the way. I wasn't necessarily happy with that thought. 

 As I packed the last of my things in my bag, I heard a voice from behind me, "Why were you sick in Wilson's class, Emily? God, I was so worried!"

 Oh shit, Stephanie again. 

 I sighed, this time an exasperated one, and turned around "Go and mind you're own business." 

 "I bet she was sick from the sandwich she ate at lunch," Rebecca smirked, completely ignoring me. 

 "Yeah, the tomato looked like it was rotten," Laura, another of Stephanie's friend added. 

 "After all," Stephanie concluded with a sympathetic face, but her rare, green eyes showed amusement, "Emily can't afford fresh food." 

 My eyes twitched. If there was anything I couldn't tolerate, it was insulting my family. Somehow, everyone in school knew that I was one of the most underprivileged students in this rich neighborhood . Naturally, Stephanie always reminded me of it over and over again. 

 And besides, I could afford fresh food. Seriously, did these girls think I lived in a sewage? 

 "Stop exaggerating," I finally said slowly, "and besides, at least I never had to feel the humility of getting dumped." It was the only weapon I had against her, and I wasn't not going to use it. 

 "Aww... Emily, that's because you've never dated before!" Stephanie said, "I mean, with you're clothes -hand me downs, obviously- and you're face -which you don't even try to hide with make up-, I'd be surprised if you have!" Rebecca and Laura started laughing at her comment. 

 By now, the students that had remained in the hallways were all listening to our conversation. I couldn't care less about what Stephanie said to me, but ridiculing me in front of other people... I blinked back tears of frustration and embarrassment. This was a fight I wasn't meant to win. 

 But just as Stephanie opened her mouth to ridicule me once again, a voice interrupted her. 

 "Stephanie?" A boyish, masculine voice called at her. 

 At first I thought it was one of her 'admirers'. 

 'Wonderful timing,' I thought to myself as I grit my teeth. I knew what would happen. Her admirer would come over and try to make fun of me, just to show Stephanie that he totally supported her and was on her side. It had happened a few times before, it was sure to happen again. 

 When I turned, however, I was surprised to see Terrence Kingsley, standing in the middle of the hallway just a few feet from us. 

 "Y-Yes, Terrence?" Stephanie answered back, suddenly trying to comb her hair with her fingers. 

 "What the hell are you doing this time?" He demanded as he walked closer to us. He didn't seem angry, just annoyed, like a brother trying to scold his little troublemaker of a sister. 

 "N-Nothing!," Stephanie said but Terrence Kingsley raise his eyebrow. He clearly didn't believe any of her bullshit. 

 Apparently Stephanie noticed it too, because she added hurriedly, "No, really! I was giving Emily, er, some romantic advice!" She turned to me, "Right, Emily?" 

 This question confirmed my suspicion that Stephanie's brain was full of peanut butter.

 "Yeah, sure Stephanie," I answered dryly, "Thanks to you, I realized that I can't date because of my hideous face." 

 She glared at me, and said softly so that only I could hear, "Shut up, Danvers. You are so dead." 

 "Wow, Stephanie, I didn't know you were one of those girls," said Terrence Kingsley, but his lack of emotion voice made it clear that he knew she was one of those girls. 

 "Wha-I'm not, Terrence! How could you say-" Stephanie's tearful plea was interrupted by Rebecca. 

 "No offence, but why do you care, Terrence?" For the first time, Rebecca's calm, cold voice echoed in the hallways. Rebecca was probably the smartest girl in our school, always winning debates and math contests. It was a mystery why she hung out with kids like Stephanie. 

 Every time I saw her talk, I wondered why. 

 But Terrence's response made me forget everything I had in mind at the moment. 

 "Because," said Terrence simply, and all of the people in the hallway quietened down and listened, "she's my girlfriend. Now leave her alone."

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