'Don't Stop Me Now' - The Maid of Honour (@denyefa4)

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Ever since I was a child, I've never really felt close to anyone except him, the otherworldly handsome Callum. He was every girl's dream, with a good character, a perfect body, and an equally perfect lifestyle.

My plan to get him to fall in love with me was already in its final stage in high school when an annoying rich snub, Anna, waltzed into his life like she owned the place—putting my efforts to waste. But no way on earth would I allow her to ruin my newly enacted ploy, this time, I won't fail.

They won't get married on my watch, the only perfect person for Callum was me, I knew all about him, from his favourite food to his favourite football club, to his college friends and enemies, I was the one who was supposed to be marrying him today, not Anna.

Relax Susan, no one will take your man from you. You just need to be patient, and keep a level head until your opportunity presents itself—it surely will. I said to myself as a smile plastered on my face.

A loud ding on my phone broke my train of thought and brought me to the present. Picking it up, I opened the WhatsApp chat that Anna had created for all our friends from high school—in which we were all her bridesmaids, except one, Laura.

She was one of the good ones who loved wholeheartedly, but she had a flaw—she was crazy more times than she was sane. So I used that and dropped major dirt on her, I had started a rumour of her being a bitch and bullying a boy to the point where he almost committed suicide because I knew that she was going to be picked to be the maid of honour if she was in the picture, given that she was close to the rich snub.

That had worked, and everyone believed me and I was made the maid of honor.

"Hello, guys?! I'd like us to have a little meeting now, I'm scared and need moral support from y'all." I read the message that Anna had dropped. Rolling my eyes, I dusted invisible dirt off my body, then raised my dress and taped a syringe filled with abrin, a slow-acting poison that takes effect a few hours after injection, that way it can't be traced back to me to my thigh and dropped the hem of my dress.

Stepping out of the hotel room, I made my way down the hall to that of Anna and knocked on it. "Who's that?!" Anna asked from within.

"It's Susan!" I responded then she shouted come in, and I walked in to find everyone from the chat here, including Anna's mom who was busy with Anna's hair.

Walking up to her, I bent down to give her a friendly hug and as I wrapped my arms around her being, I quickly pulled out the syringe I had hidden under my thigh and was about injecting her with it when someone squealed in delight—causing me to lose focus and accidentally dropping the syringe in the process.

Letting go of Anna, I looked around and found another of the bridesmaids Izzy, smiling as she looked out the window. But seconds later her expression changed and as she stated her reason for her sour mood, mine changed as well. Laura was here. Why though? Ever since my little stunt, she had cut ties with everyone up till now that is.

The main plan was to kill Anna to stop the wedding so Callum would be unmarried and still be in the single market, so when I swoop in and steal his heart it'd be a flawless victory. I scowled internally as we started leaving the room and headed for the church where the wedding was to be held. But why are things taking the wrong turn? This is supposed to be an easy task.

During the ceremony, I was just thinking about how to carry out my plans while smiling to hide my distress. And halfway through the event, I got it.

All I had to do was kill Anna after the event, then when Callum is heartbroken from the loss of his newly wedded bride, I'll swoop in and give him a shoulder to cry on and all the love and affection he deserves. I just needed to get Anna alone and inject her. But I also needed to look for a chance to retrieve the syringe I had dropped earlier, before I can continue with my plans.

My chance finally surfaced during lunch, Anna had left for her room to rest, and everyone was focused on one of the old hags present who was having an allergic reaction.

I got to my feet and was slowly trailing behind Anna when I noticed that I was also being followed, I looked back and found Laura heading towards me. So I decided to change direction. I headed in the direction of some stairs that led downstairs towards a basement.

Upon entering, Laura followed a few minutes later. "So you made it," I said in disgust.

Given that no one was present, there was no need for me to pretend anymore. She knew about my pretense and hate for Anna.

"What are you up to Susan? I've been watching you and with that look on your face, I know that you ain't up to any good," She said coming to stand in front of me with her arms crossed on her chest.

"I'm not up to anything, I'm just enjoying the party like everyone else. If there's anyone who is ruining the party it's you, party pooper," I answered with a smug look on my lips.

My words had gotten to her and she was beginning to lose her cool. Although crazy, she was very good at noticing the slightest bit of things, like fear, hate, distress and all of that.

"I noticed how shocked you were to see me here and the distress on your face during the wedding ceremony. You're up to something and I'm going to find out and stop you," she said causing my heart to skip a bit.

No way was I going to let her ruin my plans. "Oh no, you won't."

"I will. Watch me," she said and turned around to leave.

Looking around, I noticed something. The basement also served as a wine cellar with a weird painting standing on the wall. I dragged out a bottle and hit her on the head causing her to fall to the ground, unconscious.

I took care of her body and made my way upward and straight to Anna's room. But I ran into the best man, who had a crush on me, he was heavily drunk and kept on spitting nonsense and wasting my time. I finally managed to escape him and continued on my course to Anna's room. I got there, stopped in front of the door, then took in a deep breath before knocking but I was met with silence.

And that was when I noticed that the door was unlocked and slightly agape. Pushing it open my eyes widened in shock, and my heart began to race. Anna was lying down on the floor, lifeless. Someone beat me to it.

My mind went into panic as my thoughts went into disarray, forgetting the second reason why I was there—which was to retrieve the syringe—I hurriedly made my way down to the lunch area to join everyone to enjoy the festivities. 

The Wedding Project 💍Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon