Chapter 2 - Time for a Different Approach

Start from the beginning

AlphaMaleX12 - Damn! Look at those titty's!

HurtMeOnceHurtUBack - Hope you took her for a good test drive before taking her back to the dealers.

SavageSam - this couldn't have gone any better!

PeN!$4Brains - have you seen the videos on Instagram? Damn this is epic!

Pleased with how his work had gone, Ethan went to close his laptop when another comment flashed up, making him pause.

2Cute4U - don't u guys fill like these are a bit set up I know there out for revenge but I think these are all actors so fake

Ethan furrowed his brow, slightly annoyed that someone was trying to make out all his evidence was fake. He was the only fake here. He set up these women, but they were all real!
Deciding to ignore the user's awful spelling mistakes and lack of grammar, he decided to reply to him.

Uncovering HER Truth: Exposing women's TRUE nature - How would you suggest the next step then? I can prove to you that these are all real women. They're all the same.

He sat back and waited for the reply, drumming his fingertips on the desk. It didn't take long for him to receive a response.

2Cute4U - u aint shown where you fnd them u just show what you spend on and how much but not how u got them

His eyebrows shot up. No, he hadn't shown them where he'd found them, mainly because they were found haunting the locals pubs watching for anyone with a Rollex.
His mouth lifted with an evil smirk while he replied.

Uncovering HER Truth: Exposing women's TRUE nature - you're right. OK, I will be sure to go all out for the special thirtieth event!

His smirk widened to a Cheshire cat grin as he closed the laptop and picked up his phone.
They wanted evidence that all women were the same. He was sure he'd find them on any dating app!
Opening the store, he searched dating apps, and the first result that came up looked promising, even though it made him feel sick to the stomach just looking at the icon.
A pink love heart over a slightly darker pink background. How cliché!
He downloaded it and quickly took a screenshot of the opening screen for evidence.
Once the app had loaded, he was taken to a signing up form. Sighing heavily and grumbling to himself that this was pointless, he began filling out his alter egos profile.
He would be willing to bet all his money that loads of the women using this app would likely bullshit their way through these forms, just like he was doing here, but was surprised that the option to put up a profile picture wasn't mandatory.
Humming in intrigue, he looked back on what he'd filled out so far.

Name: Robin Baskin
Date of Birth: 16th August 1985
Occupation: Law Firm Assistant
Interests: movies, reading, woodwork

He hummed again as he pondered what hobbies his alter ego should have. For him, his was the gym, this website, and horse riding. As well as delivering karma.
He decided to put similar tastes but bend the truth a little and make them sound more romantic?

Name: Robin Baskin
Date of Birth: 16th August 1985
Occupation: Law Firm Assistant
Interests: Movies, reading, woodwork
Hobbies: Horse racing, canoeing, long strolls in the mountains

No sooner had he typed that he had bile rising into his throat.
"Oh, fuck no!" He choked, hitting the backspace button and deleting the strolls in the mountains.
What could he put?
Holding hands? Blurgh!
Snuggles under a blanket while on a ferris wheel? Ewww!
Taking my puppy Waffles for walks along the beach? Jesus! That would mean he'd have to get a dog and he hated the idea of cleaning up after an animal!
This was infuriating!
While he knew how women's minds worked in terms of how greedy they were, he had no idea what they wanted to see on a dating profile.
Fuck it, should he just put dollar signs? That was bound to get a lot of interest. That would be too obvious though.
Instead, he decided to delete all the hobbies listed apart from the Horse racing. He'd leave that up so he would have an excuse to take them there on one of the dates. He was sure the bitch would snatch up the opportunity to go gambling with his money!
Hook, line, and sinker!
He kept the search area to the surrounding London boroughs, filled out his height, his bodybuild as average...
Shoe size? Why the fuck did they want to know his shoe size?! Were they going to ask for the length and girth of his dick next?
Shaking his head in disgust, he finished off the fake profile with a flourish, left the profile picture as one of the avatars to add a little mystery, and hit the confirm button.
He rubbed his hands together in glee when the results popped up.
The amount of skin and cleavage shown in the list of profile pictures would make a stripper blush!
He scrolled past the obvious money diggers, intent on trying to find someone who didn't fit the stereotypical bill.
There were so many brunettes, blondes, and redheads all posing seductively for the camera in the many pictures he managed to glimpse on his hunt.
He snorted when one picture was just a pair of legs, pointing towards the ceiling and shiny after a fresh wax or shave they've just finished doing for the picture.
Another was just heavily lipsticked pouting lips, reminding him of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That one screamed, 'Hold my hair, and I'll suck you off' to him. Definitely avoid!
He had been scrolling for a while before he finally came across one that piqued his interest.
The profile had no picture. They hadn't even bothered to choose an avatar, just selected the female silhouette default. When he opened it up, they had given very basic details about themselves.

Name: Hannah Taylor
Date of Birth: -- December 1987
Occupation: Payroll Assistant
Interests: movies

Hobbies had been left blank. Her height was listed as five foot four. Her body type was slim hourglass and she had put shoe size as 'why?'
He burst out laughing at her response to the shoe size. Why hadn't he thought if putting that?
She was perfect!
She was as much of a mystery as he was. She wasn't broadcasting her assets to possible money lenders like the other women. Instead, she was keeping herself to herself.
He did wonder if she could possibly be one of his previous victims, humiliated to the extent she felt she had to hide herself away, but figured it couldn't be.
He hadn't tricked anyone called Hannah yet, and she was too... shy!
He grinned maliciously and hit the sickly love heart button of interest, then closed the app and looked at his schedule for the day.
As it was Saturday, he only had one meeting in a couple of hours' time, and that was with a prospective bar owner wanting to rent one of his venues in Camden. The rest of the day, he was free.
He stood up and opened WhatsApp on his phone, messaging Martin to see if he was available for a drink.

Ethan - alright, mate. Are you up for a drink this afternoon? You can choose where.

Pocketing his phone as he left his office, he wandered through his practically empty, white marble floor hallway towards the narrow shelf beside the door with a single hook beside it that hung his favourite brown leather jacket. He picked up his jacket and swung it on, picking his keys up once he was done and leaving his flat.
The block he lived in was filled with the luxuries you'd expect in a multimillionaire complex.
An on-site gym, underground car park where his racing red, electric lambourgini was waiting for him, a swimming pool with sauna and jacuzzi, complimented by a  gorgeous waterfall wall and mini palm trees. The whole inside of the building was sleek and stylish, using only the best materials, from the carpet to the marble walls and floor. Huge, modern chandeliers stretched across the ceiling, giving the corridors plenty of light and modern artwork hung framed along the walls.
It was the epitome of rich luxury.
He strode towards the lift, pressing the button before shoving his hands deep in his pockets, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet while he waited.
His phone pinged, and he pulled it out of his pocket, expecting a reply from Martin.
Instead, his eyebrows shot up when he saw the dating app notification.

Match successful 💞 start chatting now!

The lift dinged, and the doors slid open while he tapped on the notification and opened the messaging. He walked inside the lift and turned back around to face the doors while he eagerly tapped away on his phone.

Robin - Hey there!

That should do it!
He despised any man who sent a long-winded first message, including a cheesy pick-up line or pervy comment about their body.
He was going to keep it short and simple, letting her take the lead and giving her appropriate responses based on her comments.
He saw the three dots dancing in the bottom left-hand corner while she typed her reply.
He couldn't explain it, but he felt a lot more excited about this new target. It was tantalising, the mystery behind this unknown Hannah was enticing him in and was making his stomach do somersaults. They hadn't even got to know each other yet, but he knew she was the one!
His new victim!

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