6. What if I chose you?(MaxZee)

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They said we were never meant to be.
Today I look at you
And you're with him.
Asking myself what did I do wrong?
Maybe I was never on your list od choices?
I'm trying to calm down this voice in my head.
Why are you running from me, running away?

Maybe it's just one tiny chance.
But I want it with you.
Sleeping next to someone else.
I still dream about you.
Oh dear will I ever forget?
Will I ever change?

If love is so painful, is it still worth it?
I stand and watch your cute moments with him.
Overloaded with your sugar voice.
I was never your choice.
With the lights so dim.
And music so loud.
Can you hear my heart begging you to be mine?

Maybe in another universe you know only me.
What if there I'm the bad one?
The one to break heart of yours?
If our tears were never enough to make us whole?
Will you ever look back in time?
To discover I was always right next to you?
Watching your wins and failures.
Always there for you, as your brother and best friend.

What if I'd chose you?
Will you get mad?
Because you already have your loved one.
I have someone too.
He doesn't look like you, totally opposite.
To never bring back my old forgotten dreams.

I'm on my knees, breaking everyone's hearts.
I'm ruinning our dreams.
I don't beg for forgiveness, I don't deserve.
Let the rain make me wet.
You should be here, you should choose me.
Where am I worse than him?

He came unexpected, took you away from me.
I had to give up, lose all what matters to me.
He made me lose you.
Lose you forever.
But what if that day you chose me?


How do you think, whose POV this is? Max or Zee? Or maybe NuNew or Nat? Can be anyone, right? 👀

Blinded by Love - BL one shots/shortsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon