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This story is collaborated with @AmaraUk. We are going to use the same title and plot but everything else is going to be different like the writing styles and etc. This will be a friendly competition between us to see which story will get more recognition.


"How long am I going to stay in the US for?" Jin asked coldly, leaning against the wall as he was talking to his assistant. His voice carried a hint of impatience, as if he had better things to do than discuss his travel plans.

"Until the movie has been premiered," His assistant, Min Yoongi replied calmly, accustomed to Jin's chilly demeanor.

Yoongi knew better than to take his impatience personally and remained composed, ready to assist with his travel arrangements whenever he was ready.

The movie that Seokjin was going to be in revolved around a prince, played by Seokjin, which had to be made in the United States. His role as the prince is meant to be his breakout role, one that would solidify his place in Hollywood and make him more known in the USA.

"Breakout role, huh?" Jin scoffed before leaving the room, clearly unimpressed with the idea of relying on a single film to boost his Hollywood career.

He knew that true success would require more than just one role, and he was determined to make his mark in the industry on his own terms.

"I know you're not thrilled about being in the US, but just hang in there for the movie and you'll get the first jet back to Korea," his assistant persuaded, understanding Jin's disdain for the country.

Deep down, Yoongi knew that Jin's true passion lay in his acting career, and he was determined to support him in achieving his goals in Hollywood while still staying true to himself.

"I'll endure it for the sake of the movie," Jin replied with a sigh, his eyes filled with determination. Despite his reservations, he knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made in order to achieve his dreams.

"Good, now your plane to the US is scheduled for tomorrow," Yoongi informed Jin, his voice filled with reassurance.

He knew that this trip was a necessary step towards Jin's Hollywood aspirations, and he was committed to ensuring that everything went smoothly for him.

Jin nodded before retreating back to his room, his mind filled with thoughts of the challenges and opportunities that awaited him in the United States. As he closed the door behind him, he couldn't help but wonder how this journey would shape his future in Hollywood and ultimately lead him closer to his dreams.

He sat on his hotel bed and took out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through his social media feeds for a momentary distraction.

As he swiped through the endless stream of posts and updates, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness building up inside him for the upcoming movie premiere.

"Kim Seokjin will be coming to the USA for his new movie, Reign of Royalty, as he plays the main lead as a prince," the reporter stated professionally.

"After his last visit to the USA, we all wonder what drama will go on outside the movie, as Kim Seokjin's popularity has soared and fans are eagerly awaiting his arrival, hoping to catch a glimpse of their beloved prince in real life."

Jin tsked before switching off the TV. He knew that the media frenzy surrounding his visit to the USA would only add to the pressure of his already high-stakes debut in Hollywood.

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