Illusion Before Your eyes

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Come to me, my sweet, oh how I wish!

Illuminate forever your smile on me,

Start a love in my life before I perish

May rapture still find my destiny

Love, rise! Find me a better death!

Give kindness for a dying breath,

Hopelessness that grips my soul tight,

Reality every day that damns every night

In the shadows of despair, I cry out

Yearning for a love that feels devout

A flame that burns through the darkest night

Guiding me towards a future bright

Oh, sweet love, come and rescue me

From the depths of my own agony

Let your light shine upon my soul

And make me feel complete and whole

For in your arms, I find my peace

A sanctuary where all troubles cease

Together we'll face the trials ahead

With love as our shield, no fear to dread

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