Chapter 2: Dabao has special powers

Start from the beginning

Yu Haohao knew that because Su Yixin was a girl she was in a family that Favored boys over girls.

She ate the least, did the most and got scolded and beaten the most.

Although she has become a lot more cheerful after Following her for

It's the fragile, sensitive, and scared girl at hear

"Are you Full? But mom, you haven't eaten ret"

"Mom doesn't have a good appetite today. She just ate a few and is already full"

After hearing Yu Haohao say that she was Full. Su xin took out a piece of paper wipe her tears and stood up to put awar the dishes

"Morn, this is for you"

Seeing his sister Su Yixin enter the kitchen. Su Yibo took out a warm thing from his pocket and handed it to Yu Haohao's hand

Yu Haohao did not stop Dabao from cleaning up the dishes. She often taught her how to do these small housework.

Because in that Farmily, only by doing more things could she suffer less physical pain, though Yu Hashao Felt distressed.

Also felt that it would be good to do some small housewark

"Poached egg?" Yu Hao looked at Hiaobao. a little surprised.

"I couldn't wait any longer, so used the settle in the living room to boil two eggs for me. Mom, eat quickly. My sister will come out later"

Su Yibo knew that his mother must not have eaten enough, but seeing his sister crying anxiously, he comforted her and said that she had eaten enough

"Little smart gur, thank you my little treasure"

After eating. Yu checked the time on his phone. It was already ten o'clock, but the sky outside was still dark.

"Dabao. Kiaobao, you two are watching TV in the room. Mom First paces the luggage we brought here."

Yu Haohao didn't care about the weather outside. They just moved here three days a

This is Vu Haohao's grandmother's hometown. a small county town, and an airport is being built next to it. However, the weather has been too hot recently and construction has been suspended these days.

A year ago, a lawyer came to her with her grandmother's suicide note. Yu Haohao got the inheritance left to her by her grandpa rents, as well as the urance compensation

From her parents death.

Only then did he finally have the money to regain custody of the children from his ex-husband, and spent a year building this three-story building

Three days ago, the child finally went to summer vacation. She bought supplies for nearly half as well as all the previous Furniture, and moved here with her child.

Because there were a lot of things plied up on the first floor she had been sorting them out for two days, but they were not completely sorted vet.

"Mom, sister was scared. the remote control suddenly. disappeared"

Just as Yu Haohao was packing things and thinking about things. Kiaobao Su Yibo ran downstairs.

"Hiaobao, what's wrong?"

Speak slowly Yu Haohao heard Kiaobas panting non-stop, but didn't hear what he said clearly. He comforted the child and took him upstairs.

"Dabas, don't be afraid. Tell mom what's wreng?"

When Yu Haohoo come upstairs. Su Yixin had stopped crying She walked over and hugged Dabaa asking softly.

"Mom, brother. let me do a magic trick For you"

After saving that. Su Yixin showed the two of them the remote control in theirds and in an instant without Yu Haohao blinking the remote control in Su Yixin's hand disappeared.

Sister, where is the remote control?" Su Yibo asked curiously?

Yu Haohao was also very curious. She w as sure that she didn't blink just now. and Da bao's hand didn't move either.

"Okay, here it is." After Su Yixin said tha t. the remote control appeared in her hand a gain.

After her brother came downstairs jus t now. she was a little frightened, so she kept silently thinking about coming out.

Then the remote control appeared in he r hand. and after trying it several times, she came up with the idea of doing magic.

"It's amazing. sister, how did you chang e?"

"Just thinking about the remote contr ol. You can put it away when you touch it. Thi nk about the remote control coming out. and it will come out."

Yu Haohao is a long-time novel fan. He has loved reading novels since high school.

Seeing Dabao's operation. I felt very inc redible and immediately thought of the descr iption of space in the novel.

After carefully looking at all Su Yixin's cl othes. he found nothing that might be a spac e device.

"Dabao, go downstairs with your moth er.

Thinking again that Su Yixin had a fever last night. Yu Haohao took the two children t o the first floor, where there was a pile of fu rniture and supplies.

"Dabao, try to collect this bag of snack

Yu Haohao didn't dare to let her put a way anything that was too big or heavy. He f ound a small bag of snacks bought in the sup ermarket and asked Su Yixin to try to put it away.

Su Yixin heard Yu Haohao's words and obeyed them very obediently. In an instant, th e snacks disappeared.

"These, these. Dabao. You try again."

In order to confirm whether Su Yixin re ally had space. Yu Hao pointed to a bunch of bigger things and asked her to try to put the m away.

(End of Chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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