Chapter 6: Nightlight

Comenzar desde el principio

"I'll teach you." Minji looks up again and reads the line on the screen, her eyes lighting up. In fact, Haerin is just as moved, or maybe even more, to have someone eager to learn her language so they can talk more is just.... so sweet.

And the smile that spread on Minji's face just now is just too beautiful, her face lit up with the dancing fire by the fireplace, creating a serene and peaceful vibe.

The faint sound of the rain outside, the crackling sound of wood by the fireplace, they faint, low and steady breathing.

It was enchanting. As crazy as it may sound but Minji wanted them to stay like this, enjoying the comfortable silence.

As they waited for the rain to lift Haerin taught her but as expected it wasn't an easy task and can't be done overnight. They only gave a few tries until the clock hits 8pm and for sure Haerin's brother might be worried about her now.

Minji stood up first and offers,
"I'll walk you to your house."

"No, it's okay."

"Oh don't be crazy, I can't let you walk out there alone in the dark. Besides I know this place better than you do, so if you're worried that I'm walking back alone, it's okay." Haerin wasn't really left with a reason to say no to that since Minji is in fact, correct. So she nods and Minji smiles.

As they walked out Haerin wasn't expecting to be amazed. Even at night light the surrounding is still just as beautiful as it is in daylight. The sky is clear and stars twinkled above, the moon is shining brightly reflected on the still waters. And in the vast meadow, the scenery was breathtaking.

"Watch your step Haerin, don't touch anything

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"Watch your step Haerin, don't touch anything. There could be bugs and leeches." Haerin watches Minji's lips as she says all the while also looking where she's going.

Minji was patient with her, looked back to her from time to time, checking is she's okay. She gently took hold of the sleeves of her jacket and led her the way.

Haerin is looking at their feet, stepping in where Minji stepped on.But then sll of a sudden Minji halts and she almost bumoed into her. She raises her gaze, was about to question when Minji turns and held out her two hands enclosed, caught something in it.

She then lifts her gaze to Minji's eyes and then lips,
"Form your hands like this."

She meekly did what she was told and settled her cupped hands ontop of Minji's, the taller one slowly opened a small gap so that the insect inside can transfer into  Haerin's hands.

She gently covers her hands on Haerin's cupping hands and says,
"Now, open it slowly."

The feeling of Minji's hands on her is warm, Haerin almost forgot to read her lips.

Meanwhile Minji is loving the contact, every second of it. Haerin's hands are soft compared to her slightly calloused ones.

She watches the girl stares at the lone firefly flying out of her palm. Her feline eyes glittered in the bright starry night. And Minji  was then again awestruck. How can someone be so effortlessly... attractive?

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