20. Karv and sheya arguing?

Mulai dari awal

Such a dumb thing to assume about me.

I look scary, but I'm not.

"You don't know me, so don't throw any comments about my character!" I said firmly.

She looked at me.

"You don't hurt her?" She asked, but I didn't want to answer her question because she means nothing to me.

"Are you mad at me? Was that too personal? Why are you not answering me!" She persisted.

Now she's messing with my head; can't she stay quiet? If I'm not talking to her, then she has to understand that!

"Sorry if I got too personal," she said, looking at me.

I looked at her.

She was still hoping that I'd answer her.

"I'll not cross my limit again; now forgive me!" she pleaded.

"Okay," I said, wondering what to say to this girl.

I looked at her; her eyes sparkled because I told her "Okay."

"I'm sitting here because my sister said to wait here. Okay!" she explained.

She looked at me.

I looked away.

Then her sister came, and she moved a little away from me.

She went to them, totally ignoring me.

Two boys also joined them.

I switched on my phone.

I saw one of the boys giving her ice cream.

She smiled happily.

He caressed her head, and she blushed. Blushed for what? For receiving ice cream.

Then it's so easy to make her blush.

Girls need to be a little stronger in their feelings.

In that case, I also got her flowers, but she didn't blush that day.

Or I didn't notice.


Huh, it's their personal matter. Why am I seeing them?

Oh god, today I came here to relax and find peace.

But what I got, them!

I should leave from here.

I was going away when one voice stopped me.

"Hey, wait, Karv Ji," she called me. I looked at her.

She was holding an ice cream.

"Here, take this!"

She handed me the ice cream.

Why did she give it to me, though?

"It is my apology towards you again, sorry for questioning you in such a serious matter. I should think first before saying something. Really sorry again," she apologized sincerely.

I felt somewhat different.

It's difficult nowadays to find kind kids.

She understood her mistake and sincerely apologized to me.

That is what she did great.

I smiled at her.

"But won't your boyfriend get offended if you give me this, what he gave you?"

I don't know why the word spilled out of my mouth.

She looked at me with wide eyes, then glanced behind her and back at me.

"Who are you calling my boyfriend?"

-"Okay, sorry, it slipped out," I said, trying to backtrack.

She nodded.

"He's like my brother, not my boyfriend. No one in this world is my boyfriend; I'm still so young for this," she explained, as if she were clarifying things to me.

I nodded, acknowledging that she was indeed very young for such matters.

"At least you agree on the young thing!" I teased lightly.

"No way, I'm young for this but I'm still very mature, maybe more than you, okay? So don't underestimate me," she warned, her tone a mixture of playfulness and seriousness.

I chuckled at her retort.

"You seem to make every boy your brother, first me, then him," I remarked, recalling our earlier conversation.

She rolled her eyes again.

"I was joking with you; you are not my brother. My brother list also has standards," she replied, adding a touch of attitude to her words.

Then I remembered something.

"Weren't you supposed to go to Kolkata?" I asked, curious why she hadn't left yet.

She widened her eyes as if I had asked about her exam marks.


Okay, so this is it for today. Yeah, I know I made you wait. Sorry for that!

Today, I received my result.

Bhagwan ki kirpa se, I passed with good marks.

Now, the real burden has come on my shoulders.

I need to focus more on studies. What I got now is okay, but I want more. 😐

So, the updates might be a little late. I'll update every week and can also update twice a week. It's fair because I'm updating two books at the same time.

I hope you can cope up with me.

And as the chapters progress, it will become more interesting, so don't leave in between, my butterflies.

And IMPORTANTLY, if you want a double update, then vote in this chapter; otherwise, I won't!!

So, do vote.


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