"Shhh. Jay you're supposed to be dead."

"I'm just a ghost haunting all of you."

I heard a few snickers. And Thomas definitely groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Why is she supposed to be dead?" He asked.

"Long story." Winston sighed, "continue."

"Okay...umm yeah, guys were being sent into the maze one by one. But not all of us." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" Minho asked.

"Guys, I'm one of them. The people who put you here, I worked with them."

"You? You were a Creator?" I asked, not believing it. "Be real man. The designers were evil and sinister. Thomas, you're too naive and...dude you're an idiot. How can you be a Designer?"

"Damn, even ghost Jessie is savage!" Winston chuckled.

Thomas carried on like nothing happened. Though I imagined he had closed his eyes tipped his head back and groaned. I smirked at the mental image.

"I watched you guys for years. The entire time you have been here... I was on the other side of it. I don't know anything about Jessie's first maze or how she got here or why..." he paused, "But...so were you, Tess."

"What?" She asked shocked.

"Teresa, we did this to them." He concluded, I could hear the sadness and shame in his voice even from way up here. I couldn't see him to know his body sagged.

"But...how could I have worked for the Creators and for The Handler?"

"Maybe The Handler had you working for the Creators?" Newt suggested.

"That doesn't make any sense! It can't be true!"

"It is. I saw it." Thomas said flatly.

"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" Teresa asked, her voice took on a hard and accusing tone.

"Maybe you were as non compliant as I was." I suggested.

"I could see that." Minho said nodding.

"If Tom and I watched you and we were all friends before...I can't imagine we would be working willing!" Teresa said.

"Don't forget the mind control!" I said.

"Right!" Winston said, I could see him rubbing his forehead, "if this dude had to brainwash and use mind control to get you to do what they wanted...I can easily see the shuck creators doing something similar. I doubt you had much say in the matter."

"It doesn't matter. We still did it." Thomas croaked.

"He's right." Newt nodded.

I stiffened, all the anger and resentment boiled to the surface. How could he say it didn't matter? It mattered a whole lot, the awful terrible things I did while under their mind control. It mattered because I have skills no one else does, it matters because I am who I am because of what they did to me. It matters because-

My angry train of thought was cut off by Newt repeating his sentence and looked up into the trees to meet my eye.

"It doesn't matter." He repeated. He held my angry gauze for a moment and then looked back down to Thomas, he rubbed a thumb over his bottom lip.

"It doesn't matter. Any of it. 'Cause the people we were before the bloody maze don't even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that; mice in a rat race, brainwashed assassins, young innocent children, helpers to the creators....none of it bloody matters. But what does buggen' matter is who we are now, and what we do...right now. You guys went into the maze and you guys found a way out!"

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن