Mʏ Dʀᴜᴛʜᴇʀs (4)

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The teens had taken the tape to Shoupe and were now just waiting for any word on Ward getting arrested. The girls were all gathered outside as the boys celebrated inside. Kie and Estrella smiled as they watched them. Kie turns to Sarah who sat beside her. Her mood obviously wasn't mirroring theirs.

"Do you regret it ?" Kie asks. Estrella finally looks over to them as Sarah shakes her head.

"No. He deserves all of it, and I know that."

"He's your dad." Kie says, "I get it. I'm sure it sucks to be in the middle."

They all look down as Sarah's phone rings. "Sorry."

"Yeah." Kie nods as Sarah walks off.

Estrella sighs as the three sit there. "This isn't gonna end well at all."

"Nope." Kie mutters

"Do you think he'll give himself up ?" Charlotte asks. She looks up as Kie scoffs.

"Yeah, right."

Estrella shakes her head ignoring Kie's attitude. "I don't think so, but I guess we'll see what happens."

"Guys !" Sarah yells out. Everyone's heads snap to her. She stands next to Estrella with her phone in her hand. "We have to go now."


Estrella could only assume that Ward was getting arrested by how frantic Sarah was to get to her house. She hears sirens as John B rushes down the road.

"Shit." Kie says

"Oh my God. Can you please hurry ? I need to be there for Wheezie." Sarah says

"You think I wanna miss this ?" John B mumbles. Estrella catches herself looking back at John B before turning to the others who mirror her expression.

It's not long before they arrive to the house. They pull up beside the brick wall. All of them rush to get out and John B and Kie are the first to look over the wall at all of the police.

"Holy shit."

"I can't see, bro." JJ says pushing Pope aside

"Okay, well, now I can't see."

"Screw it. I'm going over." John B says before pushing himself up. He grunts as he lands on the other side.

"Right behind you." JJ says before sitting up against the wall to help Kie go over.

"All right. Three, two, one, go." JJ grunts as he pushes her up. Pope helps Sarah over as JJ turns to Estrella. She puts her hands on his shoulders as he looks down, "Good leg."

"Yup." She says before placing her foot in his hand

"All right. Three, two, one, go." He groans as he pushes her up. She grunts as she pushes herself over. Kie holds her hands out for her as Charlotte comes over. Estrella takes Kie's hands before landing. Gasping out as she lands on her feet.

"You okay ?" Kie asks

"Yeah." Estrella says as the boys come over. They all rush over toward the dock before Sarah notices Wheezie and Rose coming out of the house.

"Wheezie." Sarah sighs as she hugs her sister

"What's going on ? Why are the police here again ?"

Sarah inhales shakily, "Go inside. Don't come out."

The teens immediately make their way over toward the dock as Wheezie rushes back in the house. As they run over, they notice the Cameron boat in the middle of the water.

"Dad !" Sarah calls out

"Sarah." Ward responds

"Hey, hey. You gotta let us through." John B says to an officer

"That's Sarah Cameron. Let her through !" Shoupe says. The teens hold their hands up as they walk further down the dock.

"What are you doing here, Sarah ?"

"Dad ! What are you doing ?"

"Vic, you gotta get her out of here ! She can't be here right now !"

"Just come on in, and you... you... you can talk to her !" Shoupe tries. The teens stand behind Sarah as tears start to fill her eyes.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry, baby. I can't !" Ward says as he presses a button to reel in the anchor.

"What are you doing ?" Sarah yells, "Dad, no, no, no !"

"All right, move. Move." An officer says into his walkie-talkie

"Ward, this ain't gonna end the way you want it to !" Shoupe yells. Estrella looks over as police boats make their way toward Ward. "You don't need her seeing this."

Ward begins climbing down onto the main level of the boat. Sarah's breathing becomes heavy, "Dad, don't leave ! Where are you going ?"

"I love you !"

"Hey ! Damn it, Ward !" Shoupe yells

"Dad ! No !"

"Turn around and get back here !"

"Please don't leave !" Sarah cries. The sirens become louder as more boats approach. Estrella can feel her heart slamming in her chest as she watched the whole thing. Before she could comprehend what was happening, her eyes widen as Ward's boat explodes. Everyone ducking as debris flies everywhere. JJ and Pope standing in front of Estrella as they all duck down.

As they all stand up, they're in disbelief at the smoke coming from boat. Sarah's breathing was jagged as she stared back at what was left of the boat. Estrella's breath was caught in her throat as Charlotte turned to her.

"No. No." Sarah's voice cracks as she cries, "Dad. Dad !"

Estrella's chest goes up and down rapidly as Sarah's sobs fill her ears.

"No !" Sarah gasps, "No ! Dad !"

Estrella watches Sarah turn to John B. The boys eyes staying on the destroyed boat. Estrella goes to step over to Sarah, but stops as Topper runs down and catches her as she falls to her knees. Estrella lets out a breath as she turns to Pope his eyes falling to her before they trail over to JJ.


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