The Explanation

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Right after the rumble match, Daniel was checking in on Michael as he is on the medical table after that chair shot to the leg.

Daniel: I didn't hit you too hard bro?

Michael: Don't worry, I will heal, it's going to be okay for Mania, plus I took way worse in my career for that to injure me.

Alex comes into the room with Aurora as their little sister comes in and cuddles with Michael.

Alex: That's right, I remember when Wade Barrett had used full force on a baseball bat to your ribs and you were still okay.

Michael laughs as that memory came back to him as that was his first major feud in WWE.

Aurora: Mikey, why were you and Dani fighting at the rumble?

Michael: It's for entertainment for others, grandpa doesn't have any good plans for the big show.

Aurora: But why does it have to be you guys?

Daniel messes with his little sister's hair as she tells him to stop.

Daniel: It's more fun for us due to a sibling rivalry, plus it's our dream to have a triple threat at Wrestlemania.

Aurora: Okay Dani.

Week 1
Corpus Christi, Texas

After the pyros, a recap was shown as the man that eliminated his brother comes out to get his explanation out.

Michael comes out with a new titantron and a new attitude.

The Bad Prince is wearing a black suit with a white t shirt and sunglasses as he comes in with a gold chain dangling is neck

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The Bad Prince is wearing a black suit with a white t shirt and sunglasses as he comes in with a gold chain dangling is neck.

Michael is just soaking in the boos that are coming in at him. Just then when goes to speak the boos gets louder making him not able to talk. But then he decides that they are not worth it.

Michael: Last night, everybody thinks that I had betrayed Daniel when in reality, he could've just looked out as the match is every man for himself. But I was robbed, because Daniel wanted to be a crybaby and hit me with a chair!! You see, I meant what I said to him. He doesn't belong here, he could've just stayed at home where he belonged, but no, Daniel just had to steal the spotlight.

Daniel runs out without his title as he tackles his older brother and starts reigning punches on him. They take it to the outside in which Michael rams Daniel towards the barricade.

Officials try to separate the brothers but it was in vain as they take it to the stage where Michael gets the advantage by low blowing Daniel and putting him in a Razors Edge position. Triple H and Stephanie comes out to reason with Michael.

However it was too late, as Michael throws Daniel off the stage and into a production box as sparks fly as Triple H puts his hands on his head and Stephanie screams in fear as medics come out.

As everything was cleared, Michael left with sly smile on his face as he admires his work.

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