The Finals

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After getting to the airport with Lacey, Daniel McMahon rushes to where he has to pick up Tina.

Lacey has never seen this much excitement coming off of Daniel and it surprises her that her boyfriend can smile that far back. Mind you, she finds it really cute that Daniel is about to reunite with his daughter.

Lacey had her phone out and set to record the interaction between father and daughter. Then, a light skin girl with twin buns in her hair came up to Daniel as she hugs him really tight.

Tina: Dad! I thought that I wouldn't see you again!!

Daniel: Aw, baby, you know that I would do everything in my power to keep seeing you right?

Tina: Of course daddy! *Turns to Lacey* Lacey Evans!! Dad, you brought Lacey freaking Evans!!!

Lacey stopped recording as Daniel chuckles when Tina started freaking out in front of Lacey.

Lacey: Of course he brought me, I am his girlfriend.

Tina: So, does that mean she is my new mommy?

Daniel nods yes, and Tina got really happy and hugged Lacey's legs which caught Lacey by surprise as she was not ready to have the 10 year old to come bull-rushing towards her with a surprising great strength.

Lacey: How are you this strong? Especially for a 10 year old.

Daniel: She gets it from me as I told her if she wants to become a 3rd generation star, then she will need all the muscles she could develop.

Tina: It's a Monday, right? *Daniel nods to his daughter* Then we should get going!

The family gets out of the airport as Daniel prepares his match against the Miz in the #1 contenders match for RAW XXX to fight Roman Reigns for the Intercontinental championship.

Week 2
Los Angeles, California

After the chaotic finish to the end of the first round of the tournament, Daniel and Michael are beside each other talking until their father come into fray.

Hunter: Daniel, Michael, I need to talk to you. Alone.

Michael went to say something, but Daniel stopped him and sent a signal that he got this one on his own. Michael reluctantly leaves and leaves father and the middle child alone in the locker room.

Daniel: What do you want old man?

Hunter: We can't have you winning this tournament, as you are simply not good enough. You couldn't beat Bray Wyatt and you had help from Michael last week as you barely won, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so I am here to tell you to forfeit.

Daniel: Oh, here you are, once again telling me that I am not good enough, first it was the marines, then it is now, what's next, are you going to say that I am not good enough for a Wrestlemania match. 

Triple H looks directly into his son's eyes and said the most shocking thing that anyone could see coming.

Hunter: You're not good enough for the WWE.

After that, Triple H leaves his son alone in the locker room and Daniel threw a chair at the wall.


JoJo: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it's the finals of the #1 contenders tournament for the Intercontinental Championship!!!

JoJo: Introducing first, accompanied by Maryse and the Miztorage, from Hollywood, California, The Miz!!!

The Miz wearing his gray trunks gets into the ring and awaits his opponent.

JoJo: And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, "The Good Prince", Daniel McMahon!!!!

Daniel comes down the ring wearing his classic leather jacket and his shirt. He is wearing his red camo pants and when he took it off, Miz attacks him from behind.


After 21 minutes, Miz had done his signature corner clothesline and dropped Daniel down, and then he went on the top rope and tried to go for the elbow drop but Daniel recovered and jumped to the top rope from the ground which surprised everyone.

Daniel had done a superplex and was still with Miz and did a falcon arrow to go for the pinfall.

Kick Out!!!!

Daniel gets up trying to think of a way to end the match, and then he does his father's suck it taunt and was ready for a pedigree until Maryse got onto the apron and was distracting Daniel by swaying her hips until someone took her off the apron and pulled her down. It was Lacey Evans making her main roster debut. She had did the womens right and told Daniel that she got Maryse.

As Daniel was backing up, Miz got up and tried to go for the Skull Crushing Finale, but it gets reversed as Daniel gets out of it and does the pedigree. Daniel goes for the cover.



JoJo: Here is your winner and new #1 contender, "The Good Prince" Daniel McMahon!!!!!!

Lacey gets in the ring and salutes Daniel before hugging and then a kiss laid upon as everyone cheers.

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