Elimination Chamber

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(Chapter is more focused on Michael)

Michael had accepted the challenge Daniel had laid out, and now, he is preparing for his match at Elimination Chamber.

Michael is currently in the gym, doing chest press and is doing 265 IBS and is on his last set and then, he finished his workout as he cleans his machine.

Then, as he was drinking his water, someone comes up to him.

Then, as he was drinking his water, someone comes up to him

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Sasha: Hey there.

Michael: Hey back. How are you doing?

Sasha: It's been good, but it's also been a long time since we last saw each other. I think it's been like almost 3 years.

Michael: Yeah, with everything that has been going on, I think that a little bit is because of the time of our schedules.

Sasha: Yeah... Umm, do you want to get something after the ppv? I would love to catch up.

Michael looks a little surprised, but nods his head.

Michael: That would be great, umm, see you there.

Sasha smiles as she leaves the gym.

(Later on the show)

Michael was putting on his black wrist tape, while he had his new attire on and with his black boots. He just can't focus on what Sasha could want, that was until he heard a cough. Michael turns around and sees his dad.

Hunter: You feeling alright?

Michael: Yeah, just distracted. With everything going on in my life, I have no idea what i'm focusing on.

Hunter: Listen, I told Daniel this when he was going to the military camp. Don't focus on multitasking, and just take things slow and everything would work out for you.

Michael: Thanks pops. I actually really needed that. Now, I need to get to my match.



JoJo: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!

JoJo: Introducing first, from Greenwich, Connecticut. The Bad Prince! "Dangerous" Michael McMahon!!!

Michael comes out with an unusual attire in trunks as also has white boots.

Michael soaks in the boos that comes in his way as he awaits for the opponent that Daniel chose

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Michael soaks in the boos that comes in his way as he awaits for the opponent that Daniel chose.

M.C: I wonder who Daniel had chosen to be Michael's opponent.

Corey: I'm guessing someone so powerful that Michael would just give up.

Suddenly, the lights go out, and nothing happened for about 35 seconds before something happened that nobody expected.

JoJo: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois. CM Punk!!!

The man surprised everyone as his hair is slicked back and he is wearing a new shirt and trunks.

CM Punk is in the ring, not even him thinking that he would be back, especially with what had happened in the past

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CM Punk is in the ring, not even him thinking that he would be back, especially with what had happened in the past. But, he gets off the ropes and takes off his shirt and ready to fight.


The match was 22 minutes long and it was a back and forth clinic. Punk had Michael's number like it was on speed dial.

Punk is in the corner with Michael punching him and stomping a mud hole and walking it dry.

Michael picked up Punk only to get kicked in the head, and falls over like he got put to sleep. Then, Punk does his signature taunt, and picks up Michael for the GTS.

However, Michael gets off and pushes Punk back, and then Michael does his dad's signature knee. Then, he picks up Punk and does a new finisher.

Michael hooks Punk up and the referee gets into position for the pin

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Michael hooks Punk up and the referee gets into position for the pin.

1! 2!! 3!!!


JoJo: Here's your winner. And the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship!! "Dangerous" Michael McMahon!!!!!

It was set. Wrestlemania 34. Michael McMahon vs Daniel McMahon for the Intercontinental Championship.

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