Separation Sickness (Fourth Wing)

Start from the beginning

Garrick cleared his throat, looking away as he tried to think of anything but the truth, when an alarm blared signaling another attack was happening along the border.

They jumped to their feet, as Xaden swayed for a moment, then recovered and they raced off together to jump to the offense.

It was a long and messy battle, leaving both men bloody and shaky afterward, but thankfully alive and well.

They were flying back to the base camp, when Garrick could have sworn he heard Xaden groan, so he flew up closer to check on him. As he got closer, he was startled as his best friend leaned over the side of his dragon and started gagging like his life depended on it.


Vi stumbled in the hall, grateful that Imogen grabbed her arm to steady her. "Something is wrong with Xaden." she gasped under her breath, as Imogen helped lower her to the ground.

Imogen squatted in front of the rider cadet in concern, glad her frame obstructed most of outsiders' views of Vi's pale and shaky form. "What do you mean? What happened?" she asked, hoping that the man was okay.

Vi frowned, trying to figure out how to answer that question. "It's just a feeling, like a spike of adrenaline, then a crash of energy, and now a major spinning sensation... something big spiked his adrenaline, stopped coupled with random bursts of almost pain, and now an insane vertigo feeling." she explained, straining with Tairn's help to comprehend what she was feeling through her and Xaden's dragons' bond.

"Can you tell if he is hurt?" Imogen asked, knowing from her research that depending on how close everyone was in the mate bond, they might be able to feel each other's pain.

Vi shook her head no, too out of it to form any kind of coherent thought or sentence.

Imogen scooped Vi up, carrying her to her room, not wanting anyone watching her struggle.


Garrick helped guide Xaden's dragon to the ground, jumping off his own dragon in time to catch Xaden as he fell from Sygael. "Whoa! Careful, are you okay?" he asked in an anxious voice, realizing they were too far away from the Bastille and no one here wanted to help two rebels.

Xaden collapsed to the ground, gasping from the relentless gagging that had been plaguing his system since the fight ended. "," he croaked, his stomach still churning aggressively from the sudden spike and drop of his adrenaline.

"You don't normally get sick... like ever." Garrick said, supporting his friend as he lowered him to the ground, relieved as their dragons huddled around them to block anyone from possibly seeing Xaden's struggle or discomfort.

Xaden curled into the fetal position, fighting the sudden urge to lose consciousness, when he felt Sygael trying to talk to him. Hmm? He thought to her, even his voice in his head sounded weak and worn down.

It's the mate bond... Tairn and I have been separated too long... Violet is not feeling the greatest either. She can feel your distress... try to calm your breathing, it may help the na.... Sygael said to him, cutoff by him starting to gag, deep in his throat.

Garrick moved closer to his comrade, helping him uncurl in slow movements, before having to jump back a bit, as watery vomit coated the cement beneath Xaden's head. "Sygael! Do something." he begged, looking at Xaden's dragon with a look that begged and demanded her help.

Sygael growled deep in her throat, a single thought from her head, going to Garrick's dragon's head, before reverberating into the demanding rider's head. HE NEEDS TO GET BACK TO VIOLET NOW!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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