Poor Draco Needs Someone to Care

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Harry/Draco pairing if you squint ;) Here is the first one-shot. Enjoy!


Harry was walking down the halls of Hogwarts, listening to Hermione and Ron chatter on and on about gosh-knows-what. To be honest, he stopped paying attention a while ago. They had been chattering nonstop since classes got out, and he was distracted by the absence of a particular classmate. He figured they'd turn up during lunch, but they didn't.

"Isn't that right?" Someone asked, smacking his arm and jolting him out of his thoughts.

"Wha? Sorry... what was the question?" He asked, his voice monotone as they walked into the Gryffindor common area. He plopped down on one of the free couches, putting his head back with his eyes closed as he thought about a way to check on the missing classmate who was in a different house.

"Bloody hell!!! Harry!!! You're not even listening!!! What are you thinking about so hard?!" Ron exclaimed in frustration, throwing his hands in the air as he stood in front of the git who was pissing him off.

He blinked at Ron several times before registering what the enraged redhead was going on about. "Oh, sorry, Ron. I was just trying to figure out how to check on someone else in another house, without going into their house... um, or telling them who I am." He admitted, blushing at the last bit.

Ron's mouth dropped open, too stunned to speak or mention the psycho-analyzations racing through his mind at the speed of a bludger hurtling at him in the middle of a Quidditch game.

Hermione was the one to break the silence by clearing her throat. "So, who would this classmate be?" She asked, watching him closely for his reaction.

His cheeks turned an even deeper red. "Is it possible or not?" He asked, his voice strained as he tried not to give into the pressure to tell his two best friends in the entire world who it was that had him worried this much.

Hermione thought for a moment, pulled out her wand, and waved it in the air while uttering an invisible spell. Out popped a paper airplane, much like the ones he had seen around the Ministry when he had to go there. "Tell it where to go, and it will check on whoever you want. It understands all languages..." she hinted, hoping he would catch the hint and speak in Parseltongue.

He looked at her in confusion before understanding donned on him, and he told the plane where to go and who to check on in Parseltongue, looking relieved when it was over with, and he was thinking in English again. He watched the plane fly away, his leg bouncing in concern. "How long til we get an answer?" He asked, anxiety playing across his face.

Before Hermione could say a word, Ron butted in and had to be an arse. "Why do you care so much? What's it to you?" He snapped, storming off to their room, leaving a depressed Harry and an agitated Hermione.

"Don't listen to that arse; he's just jealous that you suddenly are interested in someone besides him," Hermione said, reaching out and rubbing his arm before retiring to her room, which left him all alone in the common area.

He sat there bouncing his leg for a couple of minutes, then decided to study for a bit, then almost had a heart attack when the paper airplane flew back into the common area. It showed the library, halfway between row S and row T. He got up immediately and ran down the hallway, stopping only when he got to the library, which generally was closed by now. Still, he was grateful it was open for extended hours to study.

He walked down the rows until he found row T, and way in the back corner, slumped over a table was a shadowy, hooded form. He moved forward, pulling the hood back to reveal bleach-blonde hair, and a sleeping teenager that was paler than normal but flushed at the same time.

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